Heart of Gold

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Daryl Dixon was a complex person. You knew that months before you even had a friendship with the boy, much less the relationship you do now.

He was a closed off character; one that you could read was in pain. A boy with a million secrets and the weight of the world resting on his shoulders.

But somehow, you found a way to get through to him. From acquaintances, to friends, to crushes that finally grew into the most serious romantic relationship either one of you had ever been in.

It wasn't easy; even after feelings and truths were revealed. Daryl still stayed hidden in some parts, but with time some of the brick walls he built began to crumble down.

"Hey." His low and slightly gruff southern accent pulls you from your thoughts as you turn your head. Watching him walk closer to you, sitting on a wooden bench in the small town's park, he comes and sits down beside you.

"Hi." You smile sweetly at him.

Even two years later; just the sight of Daryl Dixon causes your heart to race and butterflies to erupt deep in your stomach.

The wind blows at his open flannel that he wears over a grey t-shirt, and black jeans with scuffs at the knees.

"Feel any different yet?" Daryl asks, resting his right arm against the back of the bench. Not quite wrapped around your shoulders, but close enough that you can feel it's presence.

"Not yet." You reply, referring to turning eighteen today.

Daryl only a year and a few months older than you, but his maturety always made him seem older to you.

"Sorry I couldn't be here sooner," Daryl sighs, running the back of his neck with his left hand. "ye know how work goes."

He'd started his new-- equally as crappy as the last-- job two weeks ago, and it had been taking up a lot of his time.

"It's alright," You shake you head slightly, "You're here now."

Looking around, you watch the tree branches sway in the wind and small children playing on the playground a ways to the left.

Benches lined the bike path, It was one of the places you felt most at peace. Which ended up being one of the places you and Daryl met up at the most.

It was here in this park, that Daryl coughed up the twenty seconds of confidence to ask you out on a date.

It was awkward and uncomfortable, somewhat comical but above all... Undeniably sweet. The entire bundle that was Daryl.

"I got 'cha somethin." Daryl says, slowly and softly as he pulls something from his pocket.

Shifting in your seat, you twist to face him now.

Holding out his palm, draped over his calloused fingers is a gold chain. And at the end hangs a golden heart.

Small; a deep gold that screams ages have been through it, and such simplicitly in the swirling on the metal.

Your eyes light up, as your lips turn upward in a surprised smile.

Taking it from his hold and into your own, you stare at how beautiful the piece of jewlery is. How simple yet elegant it is. How perfect it is for you, but most of all the fact that Daryl Dixon gave it to you.

"Did you pick this out?" You ask him, still gazing at the necklace in your palm.

"Yeah," Daryl drags the word out, going from an answer to a nervous questioning of your like for it.

Looking up at him, meeting his eyes you see the hesitation and nervousness reflecting in his blue eyes.

"Daryl," You breathe out as your smile grows. "it's absolutely beautiful."

Daryl's eyes close for a few seconds as he releases a sigh of what you know of relief.

Opening them up, you see the trace of a smile showing up on his own lips.

"Were you afraid I wouldn't like it?" You question, looking down at the necklace and back up at him.

His shoulders lift and fall in a shrug, avoiding your eyes as he looks off at the people walking around in the distance.

Taking a moment, he looks back to you.

"Can't aford the real 'spensive stuff ye deserve."

His words fill you with slight guilt but mostly sadness.

"Daryl," You rest your left hand on his thigh as your right holds the necklace. "I don't need gifts that cost a fortune. I don't even need gifts from you at all, you're all I need."

Daryl snorts, resting his hand over yours still on his leg. "Know how mushy tha sounds?"

Laughing, you rest your head on his shoulder.

"Don't care, it's true."

A comfortable silence sweeps over the two of you, as you sit like that. Hand on hand, head on shoulder, in each others company.

Until finally Daryl speaks up with something that makes those butterflies erupt into fireworks.

"I love you," He murmurs, pressing his lips gently to the top of your head. "Happy birthday."

Smiling to yourself, you close your eyes. Relishing in the feeling of his hand in yours now as he entwines in fingers between yours. The touch of his lips still resting in your hair, a warmth overcoming you.

The heart in your hand fills your right hand with a weight of love and birthday wishes.

But the man sitting beside you, that man is the true heart of gold. The one who even with little, buys you something that resembles his love for you. Some thing that makes your own heart melt at the sight.

A/N: shorter one.. And a real fluffy one! Hope you like it though!

Pre Apocalypse Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now