The Care He Shows

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Sunday passed and today was their first day of college. Yes this was their final year dev and Sonakshi passed all the examinations by securing 1 & 2 positions respectively. Vicky had secured the 4 position and saurabh had ended his studies.
The three ( Vicky and devakshi) were just leaving for college not before taking the blessings from the elders. Radha did give the blessings but in her heart she wished something bad would happen this year not to her son of course but to the rest of the family.
Soon they settled in the car devakshi took the front seats while Vicky sat behind them.

Soon they reached their destination and saw preekar waiting for them
" hi guys long time no see"
" Yeah but now we are together now we will rock the place "
" yep"
All five merrily went to their lockers
" Dev "
" yes"
" what's our first class today "
" Maths "
They went to attend their Maths classes Sonakshi sat beside preeti and Dev beside pushkar . Poor Vicky had no option but to sit alone.
Very soon their first half of the day was over and they were sitting in the canteen.
" guys I will be back in a minute"
"OK Sonakshi but where are you going"
" to my locker "
" wait I will come also "
" no Dev please let me go alone"
"Dev she is right she isn't a kid anymore"
" I know pushkar but"
"no means no Sonakshi you go "
" thank you pushy"
"Yeah pushy pushkar is such a long name "
" not funny huh you can call me this at home but not in college see I have a reputation "
" oh I see fine pushy I will be back"
She left smiling while pushkar was throwing tantrums on his new name discovered by her but as preeti liked it he agreed to be called that

Sonakshi was near her locker taking out a few books that she had to give to professor shravan when a boy came over
" hey beauty"
"shut up Neil "
" oh really it is you who should shut up not me "
" and why is that"
" well your father left you when you were an infant and your mom six years after... She must have thought that their is no point in raising a devil in disguise you were a venomous snake who after birth killed everyone "
" I did not"
" then how did your mom die huh it's still a mystery "
By now Sonakshi was in tears.
The rest of the gang came looking for Sonakshi as she had been missing for quite a while by now and when they saw Neil and Sonakshi together and Sonakshi in tears they understood what happened. Whenever she was alone in college Neil would try to propose her but whenever she rejected he started talking about her past which he had heard that was she killed her mom but the truth was she never did it , it was a mystery. They rushed to her side and Vicky Hugged Sonakshi who was crying badly. Seeing her cry Dev slapped neil
" don't you dare show your face around us else.. "
" else what"
" else you will remain a mystery! How can you talk of a person's past if you only know half of it "
" then tell me na the other half"
" we would have but it is none of your business "
They took Sonakshi away from him
" he is saying the truth only I was the only one present at home and I was the one who made the sandwiches after which she... "
She broke down crying
" no Sonakshi it was not you who killed her but someone else... hmm now come on wipe your tears and have something "
She did not respond so Dev wiped her tears and made her eat some spaghetti. She did eat but for the whole day she was sad. Everyone tried to cheer her up but could not succeed

They soon reached home and seeing her upset Ishwari and ramnath  enquired about what happened and Dev narrated the whole incident and then ran towards her room but what shocked him was that Sonakshi his Bestie had cut her nerve and was bleeding badly
" mom"

Soon the doctor arrived and checked her up
" she is fine ,just needs a little care. Was she depressed of something. "
" yes why do you ask"
" cause she has not eaten properly and is very weak and on top of that she tried to kill herself. Ishwari went to the kitchen to make something for her while ramnath dropped the doctor back
After a while she regained her consciousness
" dev"
" Sonakshi were you mad. Why did you do this"
" Dev I was responsible for moms death I don't have any right to live"
"don't be silly you were not responsible got it. You were not responsible "
He Hugged her and she did respond but her hand hurt
" ah"
" what happened "
" my hand is paining"
"it will after all you tried to cut a nerve thank God it was not too deep"
She hung her head low
" are you angry"
"yes we were hell angry ,but because of your cuteness we are not. Right dev"
"yep now come on eat something then I will help you in your assignments. She ate her rice and then as promised Dev helped her in writing the assignments as she was not able to right with her right hand

Soon time flew and it was night time
Dev sat beside her and after he confirmed that she was asleep he was about to leave but her clutch on his hand he was not able to break so he decided to stay there and fell asleep after sitting in a more comfortable manner.

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