mission unmasking the culprit

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Well this Chappy could only be posted due to my new wattoad friend Sid bhaiya . So thank you bhaiya.

Sonakshi had recieved a message and according to it she was to meet a man at the lake  and was strictly told to come alone else he would kill her love Dev.
Sonakshi was walking alone when suddenly a man appeared . His head was covered with a cloak and as he walked near she had a gut feeling that she knew this man . With a thumping heart she walked over
"What do you want ? Why did you call me"
"I want nothing but your death Sonakshi . Your death "
"What will you get with my death?"
"Property "
"Property how . Who are you?"
"You father "
"My father died long back how can you be him you are lying "
"I am not lying Sonakshi "
"Prove it "
The man puts the hood down from his head and reveals his face
"Papa" she gasped in surprise
"Yes papa . You are in a habit of snatching things from me na . First my property and then my wife"
"I did not snatch Nothing it was dadu's will and for mom I do not know what happened that day "
"Oh really what do you think I am a fool"
"It was you who killed her"
"No it was not me it was someone else"
"Oh really how can I believe you"
"Cause it was me "
"Vicky bhai you"
" Yes me ."
"But why ?" Asked Sona as she cried
"Because of dad. Your mom came to know about his deed in the company and was about to tell everyone and then dad would have been sent to jail so I just killed her "
"But yet he was pushed away "
"Yes because of dev's father he came to know about this. But now it is your turn. Because of you I am not getting the adequate attention I should form my brother's and I will kill you for that. "
Bijoy holds Sonakshi tight and Vicky ties her hands and legs a nd ties a stone to her waste and pushes her in the lake .
"Vicky !!"
" Dev ! What are you doing here"
"You are a traitor leave my Sona"
"Never" and he shivering her into the lake

Dev and Sourabh were going past Vicky and Radha's room and over hear their convo
"Vicky we have to kill her today "
"Yes mom and I have told him the plan "
"Good then let's go"
Vicky is leaving the room and the two of them hide behind the piller. That is it they decide to change the plan. They decide to confront Radha now . They make sure Vicky has gone out and then barge into Radha's room and confront her
"What is your plan"
"What plan?"
"Don't test my patience . I know about you every deed just spill the beans"
"Never "
"Fine Sourabh tell the police that Vicky should be hanged to death"
"No don't "
"Then tell is the truth"
She tells the truth and come to know about their plan
"Now leave Vicky "
"He is not with the police but you will be Sourabh"
"I know what to do"
He calls the police and they take her. They go to sona's room to tell her but find her missing and see her phone on the bed and Dev pick it up and read the message

Sourabh and Dev rush toward them and get engaged in a brutal fight . The police come and take the situation in control.
Meanwhile Dev jumps into the lake and starts searching for Sonakshi. After three failed attempts he spots her laying lifeless on the lakes bed. He removed the stone and ropes and brings her to the surface
They try every possible means of getting her conscious and finally after giving her mouth to mouth ( by dev) she stirs. He condition was quite series so they rush her to the hospital.
Sourabh informs the others and everyone rushes there.
"Bhaiya we had thought of faking her death and here she is playing with life and death. It's all my fault I should never have come up with such a plan "dev it is not your fault stop blaming yourself. She is a strong girl she will be fine"

After 3 hours the docs come out
"Dr how is she "
"Better but still critical"
"Can I meet her "
"Yes but only one may go in as she is still unconscious and will be kept under observation for a day or two. A lot of water has gone into her lungs.  It was a good thing that you brought her here on time otherwise she may have died ."
"So now she will not na"
" Can't say if she does not come back to o her senses in the next 24 hrs then I am sorry we may"
"Dare you complete that . Nothing will happen to her"
Dev charges into the room and his expressions soften after seeing Sona his life who was full of fun laying lifeless on the bed
He goes and sits beside her and take her palm in his hands

It has been 22 hrs and till now Sona had not responded to the treatment. Dev and the whole family were praying
"Sona wake up na . You can't leave your prince . You can't . I will die without you Sona please wake up. I will even take you out for ice cream dates even in the winters but please wake up please ."
He keeps his head down on her bed and cries
After an hour he is woken up by some movements. Yes Sona was stirring  and trying to get up. Seeing this Dev helped her up and shouted for the dr .
The dr checked her and said she was better and would be discharged in three days. Everyone rushes into the room and expressed their concern . The whole time Dev did not leave her hands. Soon they were given some privacy as Dev had strictly siad that he would be staying with her.
"Sona I am sorry . This was all my fault . I should never have come out with such a plan "
"Dev it was not you fault and see I am fine "
"Yes now you are but you have no idea how tensed I was when you were not responding"
"No . No sorry only give a promise that you will never leave me"
", I will never leave you Dev"
Hearing this he took her I his embrace .

Precap  Dev taking care of Sona and Sona throws tantrums

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