study time

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The next day the two of them sat down for studying. Dev was explaining the chapter to Sona who was listening with utmost concentration. After a while Sona was reading the chapter. Both their faces were very close but Sona was not aware of that . As she was reading the chapter , Dev was busy adoring her features. It was the first time that he was able to see her feature so clearly. He long eyelashes her rosy pink cheeks her pink lips which were moving as she read the chapter. He took a deep breath and her scent reached his nostrils. Oh how she smelt of fresh roses . Her hair was so soft and the wind caused her hair to fly on his face. Dev leaned in more so that he could also read the book but as he was leaning Sonakshi turned her head to ask a doubt and her lips got planted on his lips. Dev was alert and was just about to kiss when
" I didn't know that you were making out here I thought you guys were studying"
Both of them part
" Bhaiya AAP.. Aisa kuch nahi hain big bas"
" Sona it's ok but next time you kiss just kick the door"
The two of them turn deep red in coloure
" Now will you two just blush or will you study also"
" Study"
All three start too study and soon their whole course was completed . As they just sat back Sourabh entered with some snacks
" Who is hungry"
"Me" said all three together and they dug into the snacks .

It was 10 pm now and Sona had fallen asleep as she had just recovered and now after studying for this long she needed rest. Dev was busy revising his notes for tommorow exam . Around midnight he also slept but not in the bed but at the study table
Sorry guys for a small update but exams are on my head and you may not have gotten this update also if it has not been for Shruti di who helped me to get an idea for this Chappy so 90% of the credit goes to her . Thank you Shruti di 😘😘😘

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