"loner" (Rant)

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I've realized something.

Everyone around me, they're all friends.

Or at least some sense of the word.

Everyone, even people who I thought wouldn't talk to the others, talks to everyone else.

Enough to know the main details.

And me?

My phone is almost always empty of messages.

I never call anyone but my parents.

All my social medias are dead silent.

I never talk to anyone.


And I mean that literally.

You see, everyone always says "i don't talk to like anyone," but they're always getting messages and things.

That's "not talking to anyone"?

These people would have a mental snap if they looked at their phone after an hour and saw nothing.

Like I do every day.

They always say they have no friends, but they know everything about everyone. And can talk about anything to them.

And im here, in the corner of the room, looking at all these people I "know" and won't say a word. Because I dont know them.

I barely know their names.

People call themselves loners and anti-social and they are nowhere close to it.

You have no friends? What about the million contacts in your phone? And the 30 that were texted within the last week?

I get this now.

I'm disgusted with everyone around me.

There are a few. Yes, I know you have so many problems in your heads and hearts. That's not what I'm saying.

Im saying, dont fucking pretend like you've got your life bad. Because other people actually do.

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