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Am I blunt?

Are the words I write too direct?
Do the accusations I make speed straight to your heart or head?
Should I feel bad for it?
Should I be even more blunt?

S.H.- You seem so trapped. Do not let yourself be pinned down by others. You are an amazingly intelligent person. Don't let a person degrade you or keep you from your potential. You're a better person I could hope to be.

S.L.- You annoy people. You make them mad. But that isn't a focus. Do you ever think that you aren't meant for the people you surround yourself with? I don't say drop everyone and let yourself be alone. Explore people and options. I hope you'll find not everyone is ready to watch you kill yourself.

S.K.- You were my best friend and though I know you'll never read this, I truly missed you. And I hope while I was gone you kept yourself safe. I'm sorry for leaving. But I'm here now and you know you can always confide in me.

P.R.- how many times I've wondered if I should just let you go. How many times I've tried to. You were my first friend here. And the last one that would talk to me. Ignoring your "best friend" doesn't really mean your best friend, does it?

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