Chapter 23

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I pressed my palms into my forehead.

“Can- Can you just start from the beginning and tell me this story?” I asked, exasperated. She nodded.

“Okay. Well, first, I was born. I lived like a normal person until I was eighteen. Then I started acting weird around my friends. I broke up with my boyfriend and just kind of abandoned everyone. I was really secluded. Then I woke up one day and I was a different person. I'd turned into Rose. She'd given me a second chance to be someone. We went out and just started making friends again. We talked to the man who'd been controlling me. He was pretty nice, despite having taken me away from all my friends. Anyway, the longer I was Rose, the more I felt like there was two people inside one body.” She stopped for a second, thinking. “I don't remember how it happened, but I know that we split. Me and Rose were two different people, in two different bodies. We went our separate ways and eventually both of us died. We were turned into these things and assigned you. Well- Rose was. I was assigned someone else at first.” She looked away for a second, then turned back to me. “Rose tried to get you and Jerome together spiritually. Lesa tried to get you two together physically. Same goal, two different approaches. They fought for a while, Rose talking to you occasionally. Then Lesa got bored of you and Jerome and tried to just end it. Rose is a good person, so she pressed against her. She was busy with Jerome and Lesa got to you.”

June sucked in a huge breath.

“And that's how we ended up here.”

I nodded slowly. Everything was beginning to make sense, in some messed-up way.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed briefly. I shut my eyes instinctively, then opened them again once the light was gone. We were sitting in the same place, neither of us had moved at all. June was looking around us.

“Okay... I know what that means. That means we're not in your subconscious anymore. We're in someone else's... The question is, whose are we in?” she breathed. A branch moved, ever so slightly. Barely enough to notice, but I happened to catch it in the corner of my eye. I stood and walked over cautiously, peering into the forest.

“He-Hello?” I called. Something tapped me on the shoulder. I whirled around, shielding myself with my arms. The person behind me held their hands up in mock surrender.

“Relax, it's just me.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. It was only Rose.

“Rose, you scared the shit out of me,” I complained. She chuckled. “So it's your subconscious we're in now?”

“Oh, you noticed that, too? I was going to ask you. I don't know where we are.”

I froze. These were the two people that knew everything. If it wasn't them, it was someone who I needed to hide myself from, unless it was Adam.

“Isn't there a way to find out?” I asked. She blinked.

“If it was one of us, you'd just have to imagine something as real, and if it wasn't it's not your sub, if it is, that's where we are. But I know it's not yours or mine, so that leaves June, and I don't think it's her.”

“It's not!” June called from the clearing. “I just tried!”

Rose nodded.

“So that solves that. There is a way of finding out where we are, it's just almost-”

She was cut off by a voice cutting through the trees like a spike of ice.

“I know where we are...” it sang evilly. Rose stiffened beside me. “It's almost like you're completely in my hands now,” it continued. The voice sounded beautiful and evil at the same time. Like shattering glass.

“Come and get me,” it breathed, like wind through the trees. It sliced straight through my skin and right to my bones. I knew this wasn't someone I wanted to meet.

Rose grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the benches in the clearing. Letting go, she ran to June.

“That's- isn't that-” June stuttered. Rose nodded frantically.






Will we finally see Lesa soon?!


Yeah, just a short little chapter. Hopefully you're a little clearer with the story. 

In other news

I get Friday off! :D 
So, tomorrow is the last day of the weekdays. Then the weekend starts! Do you guys get it off as well? 


-The Moon's Shadow

Bent (Merome)Where stories live. Discover now