Tails' story

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Tails was just a toddler when he first met Sonic, before he met him, Tails was all alone, he was ignored by everyone. He tried to make some friends but all attempts failed. His mom had passed away and his dad was turned into a robot by Egg man.
Those who came into contact with the lonely fox only made fun of him for his second tail, every time he ran, he'd trip over one of his tails, making others laugh at him and no one ever helped the young fox up, he always got up on his own.
One day, he passes a crowd of people and a chilidog stand, he was running. He had some cans tied to one of his tails, the cans made noise as the little guy ran.

A group of kids chased after him. Tails ran past a blue hedgehog. The hedgehog watched as the fox passed almost choking on the chilidog he was eating. He chased after them after hogging the chilidog down.

The fox was heading toward an alley way. The blue hedgehog knew where he was heading, luckily he knew a short cut.

Tails was cornered once in the alley way. He sat down, back against a brick wall, both his tails curled around him as the kids came closer to him but then a flash of blue appeared and a blue hedgehog stood in front of the fox.

Hedgehog: Leave the poor kid alone!

One of the kids spoke...
Kid: Or what?

Hedgehog: You'll have me to deal with!

The kid tried to attack the blue hedgehog but the hedgehog was too fast and spin dashed him into his gang of friends. Afterward, the kids left.

Tails: Thanks mister.... no one's ever came to help me before..... anyway my name's Miles.

Hedgehog: hey you're welcome.
He turned toward the fox and untied the cans off his extra tail.

Hedgehog: It's nice to meet you, Miles my name's Sonic. Wow you're something special!

Tails: I don't know about that..

Sonic: Well you got something others don't. I mean you got an extra tail.

Tails: yeah.... don't remind me....

Sonic: Let me guess you were made fun of for it?

Tails nodded slowly.

Sonic: Don't let that get you down, look you got something other foxes don't.

Tails: Yeah well it isn't anything special.... I keep tripping over it.

He got up and ran only to show Sonic.
He tripped over his tail.

Tails: See....

Sonic ran over to him and held his hand out to him to help him up.

Tails: Huh? Aren't you gonna laugh?

Sonic: No, come on take my hand, I'll help you up.

Tails took the hedgehog's hand expecting him to pull it away as he reached for him but was surprised to see that he actually helped him up.

Sonic smiled warmly.
Sonic: Hmmm how about you try making your tails spin in a circle when you run?

Tails: ok.

Tails smiled a little and started running his tails circled behind him like a plane's propeller, it was working, he wasn't tripping, he ran quickly, Sonic caught up to him, running beside him but then Tails was starting to lift off the ground, flying above Sonic.

This surprised both kids. Sonic soon went to a complete stop, Tails landed beside him without any trouble.

Tails: I had no idea I could do that!

Sonic: That was pretty awesome!

He smiled and gave Tails a thumbs up.

Sonic: Hey Miles, you ok if I call you Tails and would you like to go on adventures with me? I could use a friend, I'm all alone and it get's pretty lonely.

Tails: Yeah I'll join you Sonic, and yes you can call me Tails. Anyway thank you so much for helping me and being my friend.

Sonic: No problem, Tails! I feel like this is the start of a wonderful friendship. I promise to always be there for you no matter what, you're my friend and I'll do what I can to help you.

Tails: I'll do the same for you too Sonic. I won't ever forget what you did for me, I know we'll be the best of friends, I'll be there for you and you'll be there for me.

Sonic: yep.

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