Chapter 9

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"Kamsahabnida (thank you)." I said and bowed to them.

I was at the restroom, I couldn't think straight.

"Seriously? An engagement? Me and Taehyung?" I said while looking in the mirror.

What about Jungkook? How will I tell him?

I woke up and suddenly someone texted.

'Lisa! How was your dinner?' -Jungkook

'Hi Kookie, it was great.' -Lisa

Yes, I lied. It wasn't a great dinner. Am I actually having an engagement?

'Would you like to have our first date today?' -Jungkook

'I said I'll make it up to you, so yes I would love to.' -Lisa

'Yaaay! I have it all planned, let's meet at the park at 5pm.' -Jungkook

'Great, I'll be there.' -Lisa

I went downstairs and saw my mom in the couch with her laptop.

I walked by the living room and ignored her.

"Lisa, come here please." my mom said.

"What do you want?" I said.

"Your engagement party will be next Saturday." she said.

"What?! Already?!" I said, shocked.

"Yes, so if you're still dating that Jungkook, you need to break up with him before the engagement." she said.

"What?! I love him mom, I can't break his heart." I said.

"Well honey, you have to, and if you don't do it yourself, then I'll be the one who will tell him." she said.

I ran upstairs, as soon as I arrived at my room, I just cried.

I love Jungkook so much, I can't leave him. I don't want to break his heart. I didn't think that one person could change you, and he's the one who change me. I love him with all my heart and the last thing I want to do is hurt him.

I remembered that I have my date with him at 5pm, so I decided to get ready.

Now that I'm ready, I was about to get out of the house but my mom stopped me.

"Where are you going?" she said.

"I'm going on a date, please let me go." I said.

"I'll let you go." she said and I was about to leave but she stopped me again. "But with one condition."

"What?" I said.

"You need to break up with Jungkook, on Friday." she said.

"I guess I have no choice." I said. "Thanks mom for controlling my life."

I hope she gets the sarcasm, I left the house and went to the park.

I sat on the bench and suddenly, someone closed my eyes.

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