Its them! ~ Chapter One

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"Excuse me?" Mrs. Peterham, our school accountant, said as her head popped in the door. Causing all of us to look at her and her wide grin. 

"Yes?" My teacher asked, mirroring the mask of curiousity stapled on all of our faces. 

"If you do not mind, I would like to pull Miss Kristel Jetts out of her class. Someone is here to see her" she said as happiness filled her eyes. 

All eyes set to look at me. I looked at my bestfriend, Rizelle, who is right beside me and she gave me a reassuring nod with a small smile. 

"of course I don’t mind, carry on" the teacher said, smiling. 

I breathed in, picked up my things, and followed Mrs. Peterham out to the hall way. 

I was nervous all the way. Who is here to see me? I wish it was my father. My father is an owner of a 5 star restaurant in Los Angeles which means he’s away from us. 

My parents just got divorced about a year ago. And honestly, my mother didn't even care. 

My mother is a doctor who is well respected in London. But she doesn't even care about me or my brother Kristoff. 

Ah.. My brother Kristoff. He is 18, meaning he is 2 years older than me. He drives around in his Ferrari Spider and almost all the girls want to be with him. He is down to earth, caring, and is my second best friend. 

I snapped out of my thoughts because we finally reached the door to the office. 

She led me in and I saw was my father, sitting on a chair. 

My eyes bulged. I ran up to him. 

"daddy! I missed you!" I hugged him tightly once he stood up. 

"I missed you too, Krissums" I smiled at his nickname given to me. 

"What are you doing here!?" I asked once we broke free from our rather long hug. 

"Well, firstly, I would like you to meet Mr. Simon Cowell. He is a very good friend of mine." 

I looked at the man, sitting beside him. I didnt really notice that THE Simon Cowell was right in front of me. 

I shook hands with him. "Oh god, how disrespectful of me. I'm so sorry Mr. Cowell, I'm not very observant you see" 

He smiled. "It's ok. I know you were just very excited to see your dad after a year" 

He was right. I haven't seen my daddy in ages. 

"Well, anyways. Simon here had a brilliant plan. But I shall tell- ah, rather.. Show it, to you when we get home." Daddy said to me, grinning. 

I nodded. "Ok" 

"Shall we go?" he asked, opening the door.

The three of us walked towards the parking lot, wherein I spotted a white limousine. 

My mouth formed into an "O". Not because of the sight of the limousine. Im very much used to limousines. What shocked me was that it was the driver. It was Thomas! My father's old driver! 

I grinned at him. He replied with a welcoming smile. 

We got in the car and headed home.

Once we got home. I sensed that it was rather empty. Well, our three maids are here but my mother... 

I sighed. My mother is in the hospital, treating some patient. 

"Now why don’t we proceed to the living room" my father said formally. 

"that is a great idea" I smiled. I really miss my father. 

When I got in, I saw five boys, sitting in the couch.. Smiling. 

I recognized them as the famous british band that is chased by girls all over the world. It was like Justin Bieber split into five. Yes, I mean One Direction. 

Despite my shock, I didn't actually go bonkers. I just smiled at them politely. 

They smiled back politely too. 

"Now Krissums, Simon would like to hear you sing with the boys" my father said. 

"I don’t mean this rudely, but why? What for?" I asked. Trying to be as polite as I can, for I do not want to offend anyone. 

"Oh you shall know later" Simon replied, smiling. 

I just nodded even if confusion was still marked on my face. 

The blonde guy who I guessed was Niall, walked over to me, handing me a paper with writings on it. 

I looked closely, it is a paper with the lyrics for their song, "What Makes You Beautiful" 

Then the other boys walked towards me so we formed a horizontal line. 

"Ok, so first, I want Kristel to sing the first verse" Simon ordered. "then you guys follow her through the chorus" 

I gulped. I have never sang infront of someone besides my family. But I mentally slapped myself, trying to focus. 

So you know what I did? I bloody sang the song. 

You're insecure, don't know what for

You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or

Don't need make-up - to cover up

Being the way that you are is eno-o-ough

Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but you

then the boys helped me out through the chorus and the other parts, 

"Ok. Stop" Simon said as the curly guy, Harry, was about to do his solo. 

We all looked at him. 

"I want Kristel to do this part" 

I gulped. I looked at Harry and I caught him looking at me too. 

I sent him a nervous smile. Hoping he doesn't mind. He smiled back, which boosted my confidence. Meaning its fine with him. 

So I sang the part where Simon wanted me to sing for him. 

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell

You don't know

Oh oh

"That.Was.Amazing" Simon said, still dazed. 

I sighed in relief. "Thank you. That means alot" 

It is true. It means a bunch. Getting that comment from someone who has been a judge from various TV talent shows. 

"Ok boys. I have something to discuss with you" Simon announced, looking at the boys. 

"Uhm, I'll just come to my room. Incase you need privacy" I said to them. 

"That'd be nice dear, thank you" Simon smiled at me. 

I nodded, muttering my goodbye while I went up to my room to change into a dress and a cardigan. 

I just waited for my father to call me back again. 

So I turned on the TV out of utter boredom and started watching this random TV show about some vampire falling inlove with a human. Cliché. 


do you guys like it!? Thank you a bunch to Clue for reviewing this before I posted. :D it means a bunch. Please check her out!

Also, shoutouts to my boobear, Rizelle Bea. =) 

And to my bestie, Tiffany! Who was forcing the crap out of me to post this as soon as I can because she hasn’t read it yet. Haha.

Vote/Comment/Fan. :) 

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