Day 2 with the guys?

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DAY 2 


I opened my eyes and look at the bedside table. 

It was 7:00 am. I admit, I was knackered from yesterday. So I tried going back to sleep. 

I closed my eyes, waiting for my consciousness to slip away. 










I sighed, opening my eyes. It wont work. I just can't sleep! So I took Zayn's arm that was hugging me and swung my feet to the side of the bed. 

I stepped off the bed carefully, trying not to make a sound for I do not want to wake my "room mate" 

As I stepped into the kitchen, I saw curly Harry cooking. 

"Hey love" he greeted. 

"Hey" I said, yawning. "so, what you cooking?" 

"making pancakes" he said. 

"Oh. Well. I'll go make some hot choco for the guys then" I offered. 

"Thanks. That'd be lovely" 

I proceeded making six cups of chocolate milk for my lovely carrots. 

"I should probably wake them up" Harry said, placing the pancakes on the table. 

"Yeah. I'll help. Im done with this anyways" I replied. 

I hooked arms with him and we marched upstairs to the rooms. 

"you wake up Liam and Niall. I'll be incharge of Zayn and Louis. Zayn is harder to wake up than Louis. And that's saying something" 

I nodded as I hopped to Niall and Liam's shared room. 

"WAKE UP!!!" I screamed. 

Liam opened his eyes and got off the bed but Niall dug in deeper into the duvet. 

"Niall" I whined. "Wake up!" 

"Shatarf!" Niall tried to say but his voice was muffled. 

"Wake up please.." I pouted as I went to the bed and layed beside him. 

I pulled the duvet off his face and said, "I made food for you." 

He immediately shot up which made me roll off the bed. 

But before I fell off, he grabbed me by the waist. 

"Food!?" he asked as his face lit up. 

I nodded. Our faces inches away from each other. 

He kissed my cheeks and said, "THANKYOUU!!" 

And just like that, he ran out of the room. 

Liam snickered. 

"Carry me?" I pouted. 

He nodded and I climbed onto his back. He held my thighs as I swung my arms on his neck. 

"Yay!! Piggy back ride!!" I exclaimed as we walked out of the room. 

"GET THE FUCK OFF MY ROOM HARRY!!!!!!" Zayn's voice banged once we stepped on the hallway. 

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