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'I will find a way as soon as possible!'
After this words, we started packing things up. Food and clothes was all we needed. 'We kinda packed up everything we need. Now it's time to go. ' 'But Francesca, where are we going?' 'I don't know exactly, but as far as possible from the kingdom. We must be very careful on our way. It's too early now. There is a lot of light and people might recognise us very quick so we have to wait until the sun goes down. Then we can leave safely. First, we're gonna go deep into the forests. I don't know if it's true, but i heard that there is a hidden fortress. ' 'Okay, if you think we'll be safe there, then that's where we're going. But i still don't get it. ' 'You don't get what? ' I just don't understand how this rosario was in my teachers hands. How could he possibly have it? ' 'There's no time to think about that. Get as much rest as you can. We have a long way to go tonight and you better be ready for it. ' 'Okay, we'll go get some sleep.' Me and Sharon went to sleep and Francesca, John and Fabian stayed in the kitchen. 'Hmm, Saya does have a point.' 'What do you mean? '- asked Fabian. 'What i'm saying is, Saya is right. How can her teacher have that rosario if it dissapeared along with the little prince? ' She stayed silent for a moment and then she gasped all of a sudden. 'What? What is it Francesca?' John was scared from that loud gasp so he asked Francesca what happened. ' What if that little prince travelled in the 21st century and led a normal life? What if he grew and became Saya's teacher? What if he knows that Saya has the rosario? ' 'Francesca, calm down a little bit. What are you even saying? Are you saying that Saya's teacher is the lost prince? ' 'Yes, that's exactly what i'm saying. Oh god, i have a really bad feeling right now. We have to protect Saya with our lives. John, can you please come with us? ' 'Are you kidding me? I would've come even if you didn't ask me to. It's my job to protect you three from all the bad people around us. ' 'Oh John, i knew i could count on you.' 'You can always count on me.' Time has passed, and the sun was already down. 'I'll go wake the girls up. ' 'Okay.' 'Girls, wake up. It's time to go. ' 'Alright.' Me and Sharon got up and went to the kitchen. 'So, everything is packed up. We got food, clothes and water. We are good to go. ' We got to the door. 'Fabian, i can't thank you enough for what you've done for us.' -said Francesca. 'There's no need to thank me. I did what i thought it was right. ' 'Come on girls, John, let's go. ' 'Hold on, i think you're gonna need these.' He came with three horses and handed the hem to me, Francesca and John. 'It's a long ride, so i guess you'll need these. These horses will take you to your destination in no time. ' 'That's so kind about you? Don't you need them?' 'No, not really. I was planning on selling them but now that you're here, there's no need to do that. They're yours now.' 'Thank you very much Fabian. When we'll meet again, i'm gonna make sure i'll repay you. ' 'Oh there's no need to do that. ' 'Well then, it's getting pretty late so i think we should go. Let's go guys. Fabian, thanks again. ' We hopped on the horses and we leaved. After many hours of wandering in the forest, we found that fortress. 'There it is. Hmm, it seems like no one is around here so it's safe for now. Come on, let's unpack things and get some rest. ' We entered the little house that was there. It was nice and clean unlike we expected. We put our things down, hopped on the bed and fell asleep. 'Ackerman!' 'Huh? Where is this voice coming from? It seems so familiar. ' 'Ackerman!' After i heard it the second time, i figured out it was the voice i hated so much. 'You! You stole it from me! ' 'What? What did i stole from you?' 'You stole it! It is mine and mine alone. It shouldn't be in your hands. Give it back! ' 'Give what back?' 'Give it back!' I felt someone gripping my neck and i woke up instantly screaming. 'Oh my god! What did i just dreamed about? ' 'Saya! Are you alright? We heard screams.' 'Yeah, i'm fine. I'm just a bit startled. Man, that was a weird ass dream. ' 'What did you dreamed about?' - asked Sharon. 'What could i possibly dream about? Who haunts me at school every day other than that bastard? ' 'Oh, you're right. What was he saying? ' 'He kept yelling at me "Give it back!" He seemed so desperate. Jeez, i don't wanna have that nightmare again. It scared me. Almost at the end, it was like he tried to suffocate me. ' 'So that's why you were screaming. ' 'Umm, i guess so. ' 'Girls, get up. We have to start our training. ' 'Training for what? ' 'Me and John are gonna teach you some fighting moves just in case you'll ever be attacked and we're not around. Come on, eat something then come out . We'll be waiting for you outside. 'Okay!'- we both approved. Sharon got up. 'You comin'? ' 'Yeah, i'll be there in a minute. Just need to do something very quick. ' 'Okay, i got it.' -Sharon said then went out. I was left alone and i started thinking about the dream. 'What the hell was that? Why would he be that desperate about that rosario? Ugh, i don't even want to know. Is this a sign? Bertholt, are you trying to give me a warning? What's going on? What's gonna happen next...?

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