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I immediately stood up and looked around. Fuck. That bastard was calling me again. I hate him so much. 'Tch! Get lost already.' That's what i wanted to tell him but the bell rang so i had no chance. I thought 'Finally, i can go home now.' I got up from my seat wanting to leave when Sharon stopped me. 'Wait Sayaaa! Let's go home together!' 'Okay, hurry up!'. We were on the way home but she stopped suddenly. 'What is it? Why did you stop? Forgot something at school?' 'No, that's not it. I want to give you something. Remember that time when we were on the hallway and you found that bastards necklace?' 'Umm, sure. Why though?' 'Look what i got for you. You looked so dissapointed when you gave it back so i thought i should get you one. Here.' 'Wow! Where did you find this? It looks exactly the same as that bastards. THE STONE! Let's look at the stone. That time, the stone turned from red to purple. I'm curious if this one will though. But i don't think so. It's strange..because that bastard said that the necklace was rare and it was passed from generation to generation. So how exactly did you get one who looks exactly the same?' 'Well, to be honest, i got it from a small shop. He told me the exact thing that the teacher told you; that is rare. He didn't give me any explanations. And on top of that, it was kinda cheap. If you don't like it i can take it back.' 'No! I like it very much. It's just that i think it's strange.' As we were talking, the sky went from blue to a deep gray. 'Crap! This is not good. Rain is coming, and i don't have an umbrella with me. Shit! And i wanted to bring one today.' 'Chill Saya, everything is gonna be fine. I don't think it's gonna rain. I hope, at least.' Suddenly, a storm started out of nowhere. 'Let's hurry! Shit! That was all i needed. It wasn't enough that i had a shitty day at school. Now the weather's gonna be shitty. Great!' We were running to the bus station when i felt an electric shock run through my entire body. I just closed my eyes and waited a bit. Sharon looked at me with her eyes wide open. She screamed. 'Saya! Oh my fucking god are you alright?' 'Umm, yeah. I am. Why?' 'Are you kidding me? The lighting just hit you! How the fuck can you be alright? Didn't you feel anything at all?' 'Are you serious? I just felt an electric shock through my body. But it didn't hurt. Not at all. Holy shit i could've been dead. But surprisingly, i'm still alive. How come did this happen?' 'Saya..-' 'Now that i think about it..-' 'Saya! Stop blabbering about stupid nonsense and look at that damn necklace you're holding. It shines like crazy.' 'Oh yeah you are right. Oh my god the stone turned to a deep purple!' ' Now there has to be a good explanation to all of this. First, you got hit by the lighting and didn't feel anything at all then all of a sudden the stone from a necklace turns from red to purple. Am i going crazy Saya?' 'You're not going crazy you stupid girl. It's just that strange things happens to us. But wait a minute. If the lighting hit me, shouldn't other people ask me if i am okay or something like that..?' ' Saya, nobody saw this. The only persons that know about this is just you and me. We are the only ones on this alley.' 'But that's odd. Usually this alley is full when school's over. And how come i didn't die. I mean you don't always die from this but i just felt a weak electric shock. How is that even possible?' 'Never mind the possibilities Saya, look ahead. What is that?' Am i just seeing things or that just looks like a fucking portal?!' ' I don't know what it is but i'm gonna find out.' 'Saya wait. It could be dangerous.' 'I don't give a damn if it's dangerous or not. Nothing scares me. Let's go and find out what is that. We could be mistaken. Maybe we're still în shock from that hit. Or maybe not.'
We started walking towards the portal thinking that we were just seeing things. We got close to it and looked at it. 'Seems like we're not seeing things. This thing is REAL!' But things like portals and magic don't exist. I mean, we're in the 21st century. How can this be possible? - Saya don't touch it! Or try to touch it!' 'Too late Sharon. I'm already touching it. But nothing's happening.' 'Hold on.. Saya. Back off a little bit.' 'Okay...why?' 'Just do it and shut up.' 'You see..that necklace of yours is still shining. Approach the portal a little bit and raise your hand.' 'Uh, okay. Holy shit the stone is shining brighter than before and it's even purple than it was before.' 'Approach it as much as you can.' 'Okay.' I approached it as much as i could but we were sucked in. 'Saya! What the hell is happening? I..i'm starting to lose my consciousness!' ' too...'

When i opened my eyes, i was lying down on the ground. Sharon was beside me. 'Sharon! Hey Sharon! Wake up you bitch! Ah come on. Wake up already!' I started shaking her violently because she wouldn't open her eyes. After ten minutes of swearing she finally opened her eyes. 'Oh why didn't you let me sleep? I had a weird dream of us being sucked by a portal. It seemed so real.' 'Umm, Sharon. This is real. It was not a dream.' 'Oh shit.' I looked around and people wearing weird clothes were starring at us. 'Wait! If this is real and we were both sucked by a portal, then WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE?'


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