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''This..this has the crest of our kingdom..'' 

These were the words that Francesca said. 'But how? How is this even possible? He said that he is just a plain civilian. But wait, what are you trying to say?' 'I'm not trying to say anything...i'm just thinking that he is in someway related to the royal family. He can't possibly be from the guards because he is too young. And i know for sure that the castle is not recruiting such young people to be guards. Oh, and one little thing. The guards do not have swords like this. Could it be?...' ' What? What is it? Tell us.' ' What i'm trying to say is that he could possibly be the king's son. Do you know why i'm saying this?' ' Why?' 'Remember when Bertholt told us about the king having a second son after he lost the first one? I think he is the one who sleeps in that chamber right now. ' ' can you say that Francesca? I mean, yes, this is a good explanation but are you sure? ' 'Woah. Hold on a minute. How did you find him?' ' I found him standing in the bushes. I was taking a walk when i saw something that looked like a sword and when i tried to take it he put his hand on it. I did ask him how did he get there but i don't remember for sure what he said.' 'Then this explains it. Now i'm sure that he's the king's son.' 'But why did he came here, Francesca? I don't think the king send him. If the king would've send him, he would've attacked us by now, don't you think?' ' You have a point. I don't know what he is after, but i'm gonna find out as soon as possible.' ' I hope you are not gonna wake him up now. He looked pretty exhausted.' ' Calm down. I'm not gonna wake him up now. Of course he is tired, he trained the whole day, just like the two of you. But when he wakes up in the morning, i'm gonna make sure i'll ask him a couple of questions. But for now, let's go get some sleep.' ' Okay.' We all went to sleep. I've put myself into the bed but i was afraid that i would have the same nightmare. Sharon fell asleep imediatelly. Poor girl. She is exhausted. I never had the chance to ask her how she feels about this. I think that she got used to the idea already. I mean, some time passed since we are here. She must've gotten already used to it, which is kind of good. I should put myself to sleep already because it's getting late. That night, i slept so well. I didn't have that nightmare. I thought i wouldn't have it anymore. In the morning, i woke up so happy. I quickly dressed up and went outside to meet the others. When Francesca saw me, she quickly said :'' Well,well,well. Look who had a happy dream last night. What happened that you're so happy?'' 'Nothing, i just slept well.' 'Hmm, i glad you slept well, because today we have a lot of work to do and a lot of questions to ask.' ' Oh, that...' ' Did you think that i will forget so easily?' ' No, not really. I just don't want you to go too hard on him.' ' I told you last night that i won't. I keep my promises, so stay calm.' ' If you say so, then i believe you.' We were talking when Thomas came out of the house. ' Thomas, come here a little. I wanna ask you some question.' ' Sure, Francesca. Tell me, what it is?' 'Do you have your sword with you?' 'No, it's inside the house. Should i bring it?' ' Yes, please.' He went inside the house and brought the sword. 'I have one question for you. But answer me honestly. Why do you have the castle's crest on it? You can't lie to me because i know that the castle doesn't recruit so young boys to be guards. Are you the king's son?' ' Yes, i am. But i'm gonna tell you something. My father didn't send me here to attack you. I came on my own.' ' Why?' ' Because i was getting tired not getting out of the castle even once. I know that you got caught by the guards and sentenced to death. I know that you were accused of sorcery and i know that you're not witches. And one more thing, i leaved late at night, so that no one from the castle will follow me here.' ' But you have a sister, don't you?' ' Yes, i do. And she knows that i left. She will come here too. And about this sword, it does not belong to me. It belong to you, Saya.' ' It belongs to me? How come?' ' One night, an old man showed up in my dream and told me that the sword belongs to you, that you're the rightful master to it.' ' But i still don't get it. How can your sword belong to me?' ' In fact, this is not my sword. I found this sword in a old chamber in the castle. I was not allowed to enter in that chamber. It had chains all over it. But when i woke that night when i had that dream, i passed past it and the chains were down on the floor. And i didn't think twice about entering it. I looked at my sides and there was no one around. The room was full of books, dust and shelters. I looked to the side of the room and that was when i saw it. It had a case around it. It looked so interesting so i grabbed it, got it out of the case. Believe me, it seem strange even for me that it had our castle's crest on it. I took it and left the chamber. And in that moment, i knew that the old man from the dream was telling the truth. So, this sword is yours. Take it.' ' Well, thank you.' 'But be careful. This sword has a curse to it.'

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