(F) Warm - Child!Russia x Child!F!Reader [Hetalia]

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(E/c) = Eye Color

(S/c) = Skin Color

(F/c) = Favorite Color

(2/f/c) = 2nd Favorite Color

(H/l) = Hair Length

(H/c) = Hair Color

(C/c) = Cold Country

Russia's POV

I quietly sat on the edge of a building, staring at the snow fall. My big and little sisters went away for a few hours to find things we could use to protect us from the cold. I closed my eyes and made my self into a ball, snuggling deeper into my scarf so I could warm up a bit.

However, that warmth didn't last long. My eyes shot open and I jumped up, prepared to run away or protect myself. I had heard crunching in the snow not far from where I am and I could faintly see a small figure walking through the falling snow.

I still held my guard, considering my experience with strangers and other countries. The figure got closer and closer, but then it stopped, as if it had noticed me standing about 15 feet in front of it. Now that it was closer, I could make out some of it's features.

First of all, I could tell it was a girl because of her big, round (e/c) eyes that stared at me in fear, and her soft-looking (s/c) cheeks. She was also wearing a (f/c) coat and a (2/f/c) hat, with (2/f/c) mittens and long (f/c) boots. I could make out some (h/l) (h/c) hair peeking out of her hat.

"W-Who are you?" She asked in a quiet and shaky voice. "Tell me who y-you are first." I tried saying boldly, but it came out quite weak. She flinched and stepped back a little, "U-Um, I'm (C/c)....Now t-tell me who you are!" She whisper-shouted, closing her eyes tightly, probably in fear of what I was going to do.

Hearing that she was a country made me back away as well. "Well, I-I'm Russia. Why are y-you here?" I stammered, more nervous than before.

I prayed to General Winter that my sisters would come back soon.

(C/c) looked down and gripped the hem of her coat, "W-Well, I was hoping to find someone who....could, um, t-teach me how to warm up my country. It g-gets really cold there and I don't like seeing my people s-suffer, so I wanted to find a way to help, b-but, I guess I got lost a-and I can't find my way back home.".

I blinked. Then again. And again. Then, I burst out laughing. The cold crept down my throat and made me stop, but I still kept giggling in amusement.

"There's no way to keep a whole country warm, unless you can control the climate, but there are ways to keep a single person warm." I smiled at her and reached out my hand for her to take.

She stared at the hand, then looked at my face as if to confirm this isn't a trick. After a few moments, she finally took my hand and looked at me with a soft, adorable smile, letting me lead her to the spot I was just huddling in.

We sat down and I wrapped my scarf around her neck, so that we could share each others' warmth.

'She's actually really warm.....' Thinking this, I subconsciously scooted closer to (C/c) and cuddled with her. I could feel her flinch, but eventually cuddle back so that she could get more of my warmth.

After a while, we fell asleep huddled in each others' small arms. 'I could get used to this..' I thought before fully entering a deep, warm sleep.

**Extended Ending**

After a while of looking for something warm, Ukraine and Belarus gave up, heading back to their brother.

"I really wished we had something to warm us three up...." Ukraine let out a shaky sigh. Belarus awkwardly patted her shoulder, silently agreeing with her sister.

As they were a few feet away from where Russia was supposed to be, they noticed that they were two small figures huddled together on the ground. "O-Oh no! Did Ivan and some other person freeze to death!?" Ukraine panicked and rushed over to the figures.

One of them was indeed Russia, but the other was an unfamiliar girl. The two girls studied her and Ivan, checking if they were breathing and wondering what she was doing here.

Belarus had a scary aura around her and seethed with rage at the thought of someone getting this close to her beloved brother.

Ukraine, on the other hand, smiled at the two sleeping countries. "Let's get in the scarf and sleep with them, Natalia!" She suggested, seeing how warm they were.




"But, Natalia!"


"........I'll let you sleep next to Ivan!"

Belarus immediately nodded, already climbing in next to Ivan. Ukraine sighed and placed herself in the scarf next to the girl.

'I can see why Ivan has taken a liking to her. She's so cute!' Ukraine smiled happily, patted the girl's head, and falling asleep in her hair.

~Up Next~

(Li) Jimin Park x Female! Reader [BTS]

(F) Leo Valdez x Male! Reader [Heroes Of Olympus]

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