(F) Valentine's Day - Lovino x F!Reader [Hetalia]

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(C/n) = Country Name

*2nd Person POV*

You sighed as you walked up the stairs to the meeting hall. It was Valentine's Day and you had no valentine.

You were thinking of asking one of your friends, but they had already either paired up with each other or asked their crushes. You admired their courage to be able to ask the ones they loved.

The ones who paired up? It's your fault for having an even amount of friends who don't have crushes or that were chicken.

Anyway, you wouldn't dare ask your longtime crush, Lovino. You liked him, even if he was the most tsundere country there was.

When you reached the floor the meeting was on, you spotted none other than Lovino waiting impatiently by the meeting room door. When he saw you, he panicked a bit, blushed, and ran up to you. A little, red box was shoved onto your chest and you caught it, revealing the chocolates you had made, just in case you worked up the courage to give them to him.

Lovino saw them and froze. "W-who are those for, (C/n)?" He asked nervously.

You were too shocked about the box and checking if you were hurt, that you didn't hear him. When you didn't answer, he looked at you with disbelief. Tears formed in his eyes.

"Huh? Oh, geez! Lovino, are you okay?" You asked, noticing his expression. "JUST READ THE DAMN NOTE, STUPIDO RAGAZZA!" The distressed Italian cried out, tears falling. He wiped them away and dashed into the meeting room. "What was that about?" You asked yourself and rushed into the meeting room.

Your seat was stationed with France on the right and Italy on your left, so it wasn't all bad. You secretly read the note because you didn't want France and his nosy self to peek at it.

Dear (C/n),

Bella, forgive me for being rude to you. My feelings for you will never change. Don't laugh or I'll throw tomatoes at you!

I love you. Would you be my valentine, bella?

Te amo,

You were on the verge of tears. You opened the box and found bracelet with a tomato charm. You put it on and smiled. You never would have guessed Lovino felt that way about you.

"What's wrong, bella?" Italy asked worriedly. "Nothing, Italy. Thank you. I'm fine..." Your voice trailed off because you had started crying for real.

You quickly hid the note and box, then glanced at Lovino. He was avoiding looking at you with a red face, but he took a glance and saw you were crying while smiling.

"You can't be alright! You're crying, bella!" Italy panicked. Lovino following suit. Every country, even sleepy Greece, looked over to see the problem.

"Maybe (C/n) is crying because she doesn't have a valentine?" Liechtenstein suggested politely. "That's not it, Liecht. I have one." You smiled softly. Lovino blushed bright red at your statement.

The BTT noticed his famous tomato blush and cooed, "Ohhhh~ I see. It's Lovi, isn't it?". You turned bright red as well, while Lovino blushed so much you thought his head would explode at any moment.

"SHUT UP!" Lovino shouted, grabbing your hand, and running out the room. When you made it outside, Lovino stopped to let you and him breath. The rest of the countries, unbeknownst to you guys, were watching through the window.

"Those idiotas." Lovino spat. You could see that he was still a little pink from all this. "So......is what you said true?" He asked nervously. You smiled and held up your wrist to show the bracelet. "Of course!".

Lovino looked completely surprised then smiled. You had never really seen him smile before, so you were surprised as well. Then, you noticed that on his wrist was an identical bracelet.

You giggled. He noticed where you were looking and blushed red. "I was kinda counting on you saying yes...." He admitted. You hugged him tightly. Lovino was so cute right now.

"W-what are you doing?!" He stammered, catching a whiff of the sweet smell your hair gave off. "Ooooooooh!" The countries watching chattered.

Surprisingly, he hugged you back. You looked into each others eyes and amazingly, he lightly kissed you.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" The peeping countries screeched. Lovino and you finally noticed them. "YOU STUPIDO HEADS!" He screeched and grabbed your arm again, running off toward town.

When you were sure you were out of sight of any nosy countries, you stopped and caught your breath. "We might as well go around town since there's no way we're going back to the meeting hall." Lovino said. You nodded and held his hand. He blushed for a moment, then held your hand back, smiling lightly.

You both certainly weren't looking forward to the lecture you were most likely going to get from Germany, but you wanted to enjoy yourselves for now.


You and Lovino trudged slowly back toward the meeting hall after you guys had lots of fun and decided it was time to get back. You thought the meeting would be done by now and everyone would have went home, but, boy, were you wrong.

The meeting, indeed, did finish, but some countries stayed back to try and get a look at the new couple.

"Honhonhon. So~ What did you two love birds do?" France asked mischievously as you two walked in. "You saw that kiss. Makes you wonder what else they did, dude." America answered.

"I swear I will kill you people." Lovino muttered. You were both tired from the day you guys had and wanted to go to sleep.

"WE DON'T WANT TO HERE IT! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST MISS A MEETING OVER PETTY MATTERS LIKE ROMANCE?!" Germany shouted to the top of his lungs as you and Lovino sat down next to each other.

Throughout his lecture, you and him just held hands and fell asleep with each other's head leaning on the each other.

"Ve~ Wait, Germany! See how cute they look!" Italy gloated happily over you two. The rest of the countries there stared at you guys sleeping and instantly forgave you.

Japan even took a few pictures for his ship shrine. Germany stopped shouting and smiled as you two kept on sleeping.

You were too cute, even for him.


Just an edited version of one of my Hetalia one-shots~

Look forward to my next one-shot, it's reeeeally cute~

Talk to you later, my lovelies~!

~Up Next~

(F) Happy - Jason Dean x NonBinary!Reader [Heathers: The Musical]

(F) Adorable - Marinette Dupain-Cheng x Female!Reader x Adrien Agreste [Miraculous Ladybug]

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