Prologue: A Vengeful Meeting

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5 years ago..

A 6 year old Miyoko Natsu Misaka giggled as she dipped her brush in paint and blotted it all over her paper..  Her twin sister Mir was busy playing with the other children outside, however, Miyoko was very concentrated on her painting, so she didn't feel like going outside yet..

As she played, Lucy Heartfilia, who was baby sitting her grinned and poked her on the cheek.

"Hey! Stop it Aunty Lucy!" Miyoko said, giggling. 

"You have got to promise me you will never grow older." said Lucy, smiling, ruffling Miyoko's hair. "You and Tatsu."

Miyoko giggled some more, and held up her painting. "Here's us.. this is Fairy Tail.."

"Oh.. whose that?" said Lucy, pointing.

"That's you! And that's Freed! Oh.. and Grandpa Mar Mar!"

Markarov strolled over and chuckled. "Oh.. I'm in the painting too am I..?"

"I painted everyone! Even the weird lizard guy!" said Miyoko cheerily.

Lucy blinked in slight confusion. "Uh.. you mean Elfman in his Lizard Man form?"

"No! Lizard guy!" Miyoko pointed at a white goofy looking figure she had painted with a tail and purple patches. "The one that's always grumpy and standing in a corner!! Teehee!"

Lucy and Markarov looked at each other uneasily, and they both looked at the corner to which Miyoko was referring.

Frieza stood there.. silent and unsociable as usual.. staring at the corner of the wall, obviously despising everyone in the entire building and planet.

Nobody knew why Prankster had not sent Frieza back to his world.. or even turned him back into a Gold Fish.. all anyone knew.. was that for some unknown reason.. they continued to keep the former galactic dictator prisoner here.. 

All attempts at being nice to the cruel despicable evil monster were wasted. Frieza would either treat and speak to you as if you were nothing but scum on the side of his toe.. or he would mimic politeness and manipulate you for his own ends..  

At one point, Frieza even injured Gale, who was only 3 at the time it happened. Frieza claimed it was an accident, but at the time, he was smiling cruelly, and seemed to enjoy Gale's sobs..  so it earned him a punch from both Erza and Mikoto at the same time, which silenced him for a long while, and caused Gajeel to bare an enormous hatred for the being. 

"You'll want to stay away from the freaky lizard okay?" said Lucy softly.

"Huh? Why? Is it cause he's grumpy all the time?" said Miyoko.

"No.. nothing like that.." said Lucy. 

"But.." said Miyoko. "He seems kinda lonely.."

"He's not.. he's just very angry." said Markarov.

"Angry at what?"

"Best not to think about it." said Markarov. "Now how about we go and play with the others hmm?"

"Hmmm.. okay.." Miyoko jumped off her chair and ran to the door of the Guild Hall.

As she did so.. Frieza looked up for just a minute.. then narrowed his eyes and smirked. 

This did not go unnoticed.

Miyoko stopped in her tracks.. she looked to make sure that nobody else was watching...

Lucy was talking with Markarov.. and the only other two guild members present and not watching the other children outside was Laxus and her aunt Luce Misaka, whom both seemed to be studying Job Board closely. 

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now