Demon and Dragon. Fulguras v.s. Diablo

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"WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! COMPLETE PASSION!!!!" Natsu threw his hands into the air back in infirmary area of the stadium as Lucy struggled to place a few bandages.

"Honestly NATSU!" stammered Lucy. "Hold still!"

"Even with a botched and rigged victory! You still hold passion for the good stuff!" Drakson said, grinning as she stood in the infirmary next to where Natsu sat. "WELL DONE NATSU-SAN!!"

Drakson clapped Natsu on the back hard, who then threw up a little blood. "AAAACKK! TOO HARD BIG SIS DRAKSON!!!"

"Wh.. WHOOPS!" Stammered Drakson, jumping back. "Sorry!"

"Why don't you stand a little farther away before you injure him more!?" Lucy snapped.

"Aye aye! Big Chested Blonde woman!" stammered Drakson.


"As you wish Big Chested Blonde Woman!!"


"I will be sure to do that Big Chested Blonde Woman!!"


"Probably o' Big Chested Blonde Woman Senpai!!" said Drakson enthusiastically, standing at attention like a soldier, her face completely serious.

"She's like a Numensapien version of Natsu.." muttered Lucy, her eye twitching.

"Well that's just Drakson for you.." Fulguras said, entering the room.

"Oi.. Fulgy, I have to say.. nice to see you back in a familiar form." said Drakson with a grin. "But uhh.. how long can you retain that form?"

Fulguras scratched her chin. "Hmmm.. I don't know.. I haven't used any of my power yet, so it's hard to tell how long I can make the form last before having to revert to human form and rest it all back up.. but yeah.. this form is definitely more of a transformation than a base form... I'm still technically human.. "

"I see.." said Drakson. "I guess there's no telling how your life span will be affected then huh?"

Fulguras looked back at the door. "Looks like I'm about to go up against Diablo soon.. our lives depend on this match... I don't know what Wrathas is planning to do with the essence of Fulas.. but if she gets her hand on it.. that's it.. game over.."

"Game over.." muttered Natsu. "Not on our watch.."

"Natsu... I don't need to remind you that the only reason Wrathas doesn't just snap her fingers and blast us to oblivion in that second is because the Law of Deities prevents certain actions from being taken by Divine Beings against mortals.. right?" said Fulguras. "if we attacked Wrathas.. we'd get obliterated... me having this Numensapien body or not.."

Fulguras gave Natsu a serious glare. "if you try to stop her... if we lose and you try that.. try to take the essence of Fulas from her.. she'll have an excuse to exercise all her power.. and after that you'll all be obliterated.. "

"Well.. I... uh.." Natsu stammered, not used to having nothing to say about the matters of beating up an enemy. "COME ON! That's just not fair!"

"Why do you think I'M here?" said Elohim, emerging at the doorway. "You think I would just let Wrathas waltz out with the essence of Fulas? If it comes to it.. if Misaka loses it becomes a battle of gods.. and I'm the god of battle, so naturally I'm stronger than plenty of my brethren.. learn to see the big picture Natsu Dragneel.. "

"Steady yourself.. keep faith in your friend first.. as you have been doing all this time.." said Elohim. 

Lucy nodded at Fulguras and hugged her. "Hey.. little sister.. go win this for all of us kay?"

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now