Chapter 1: The News

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I finished lacing up my shoes and got up. I fixed up my hair then walked to my dads office. I knocked on the door softly and heard my dad yell,"Come in."
I walked in and smiled,"Hey dad. Whats up?"
He smiled,"Well creative wrote up a new storyline for you"
I sat down on the couch by my mom,"What is it?"
He looked at my mom and she nodded. He smiled,"Well you will be in the storyline with John but you also have to be in it with Dolph."
I sighed and nodded. I didn't really like Dolph because he thought he was so cool and sexy. He is sexy but i hate it that he thinks every girl wants him.

I got up,"Can i go tell John now?"
My mom nodded and i ran out of the office to John's locker room. I knocked on the door and smiled when Randy answered it,"Hey Randy wheres John?"
He smiled,"He just left to your room looking for you."
I smiled and kissed his cheek,"Thanks Randy." I ran to my locker room and opened the door to see John looking around. I quietly walked up behind him and tapped him.
He turned around quickly looking at me,"Where were you Brittany?"
I smiled,"My mom and dad needed me. Me and you are going to be in a storyline together. Oh and Dolph."
He hugged me,"Don't worry i wont let him touch you."
I smiled bigger and hugged him back wrapping my arms around his waist,"Thanks John but i think i'll be fine."
He nodded,"Alright lets get going me and we have a match against Dolph and Aj."

We walked out and over to the gorilla. I stretched with John and smiled. Dolph and Aj walked over and walked out to Dolph's music.
I laughed at Aj while she skipped around the ring. John and I walked out to his music.
We stopped on the stage and i saluted with him. He looked at me and smiled. We ran down the ramp and slid into the ring. I watched him and got up on one of the turnbuckles. I did the DX sign and smiled. I did a backflip off the turnbuckle and got on the side.
Dolph and John were up first, they locked up and John got Dolph into a corner.
John fought and did the stfu on him then went to cover him. Dolph kicked out at two and i clapped cheering John on. They continued to fight and John had the upper hand until Dolph tagged Aj in. She skipped in while i jumped over the ropes and got in. We locked up and she kicked me in the stomach. She smiled and started skipping around. I tapped her and did sweet chin music on her when she turned around. I covered her and got a two count. She tried to grab me but i grabbed her and did the pedigree on her. I rolled her up and got a three count.
"And the winner by pinfall John Cena and Ebony Angel." Michael Cole announced.
John got in the ring and i jumped in his arms. He laughed and spinned me around. I giggled and we got out of the ring.
We got backstage and started packing. We finished and walked to Johns car, we got in and he drove to the hotel. He smiled driving,"You did great Brittany." I smiled and kissed his cheek,"Thank you John."
He parked and we got out. We walked to the room we shared and got into our pajamas. I laid down on my bed and watched John lay in his bed.
I rolled over and curled up trying to sleep. I couldn't so i got up and crawled in John's bed, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.
He kissed my head,"Goodnight Brittany."
I smiled and kissed his chin,"Night John."
I always slept with John because i was afraid of sleeping alone, it always led to me having bad nightmares.
I fell asleep thinking of what the script could be about.

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