Chapter 7:Arguments

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Brittany's POV

I looked at my mom and she looked pissed but then i looked at my dad and mom didn't even compare to him. The look on her face was a mix of anger,disgust, and pain. The look of disgust hurt the most because she never looked at me with a face like that. I looked down feeling terrible. I just broke the biggest promise to my parents I ever made.

When I first even asked about becoming a diva at 10 they made me promise to never fall in love or date a superstar. Even at a young age I knew how all guys were so I agreed to the promise and never thought about breaking it. But 9 years later and I just broke it with my best friend, the only guy my parents trusted me with.

I heard my dad trying to call my mom and John was rubbing my back behind me. After a few minutes I looked up to see my dad looking at me and my mom was watching me too,she looked a little calm but not much.

My dad looked at me and just asked,"Why Brittany?"

I looked up at him,"I don't know dad." I looked back down.

My mom watched me,"You could have just came to us and tell us that you hated Dolph this much you didn't have to try and make a point by dragging John into this."

I looked at her,for the first time,like she was crazy. I hate Dolph but I would never use John or anyone to try and prove it.

"Mom you know I would never do something like. I hate Dolph yes but I could never use anyone to prove that or for anything." I couldn't believe she would even think like that.

She looked at John with sad eyes, "Then why were you kissing John? I know you Brittany and you've never even talked about liking him."

I stepped closer to her,"Well 'mommy' if you payed attention to me more like dad does instead of trying to always be the million dollar princess you would know I have liked John since I first saw him in the ring. If you payed attention you would know I got the courage to become a diva not from you but from John. At first I didn't want to even wrestle because a I knew people would judge me because of who my family is and think I got here because of them. That all changed when I meet John. When we meet he helped me realize that I will have people boo me and some cheer for me but at the end of the day I'm doing something I love."

I pushed past her and walked off the bus hugging my dad when I passed him. I walked off the bus and pulled out my phone sticking in my earphones. I turned the music on shuffle and Breakeven by The Script played. I walked down the street humming along to the song. I ended up at a park. I sat on a bench and brought my legs to my chest.

I sat and just thought about everything that just happened. I probably ruined my relationship with me mom, ruined my dads trust, and John may really hate me now.

I sighed and pulled my hair then laid my head on my legs. My hair created a curtain around me. I just sat thinking about what I just did and why life was so messed up.

After Breakeven went off Whatever Doesn't Kill Me by Finger Eleven came on. I hummed along until I felt something hit my foot. I opened my eyes and looked down to see a soccer ball. I paused my music,took out my earphones and picked up the ball. I stood up and little boy came running over.

He looked up at me,"Sorry miss. Me and brother were playing and I kicked the ball too hard."

I smiles at him and bent down handing him the ball,"Its okay cutie."

He smiled and me,"Okay. Oh and I think that man is watching you."

He pointed behind me and I looked behind me to see someone standing near a tree watching but I couldn't tell who it was. I turned back around to the little boy but he was running back to his brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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