The story of us

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"Thank you so much for coming Karls. I owe you for this" Lena embrace Karlie as she entered the woman's apartment

"Naah.anything for this little guy" Karlie softly brush her fist on the kids head

"I'll be home at 7 .you can take him somewhere.Lucas ,be good to aunt Karlie okay?" She kisses her 7 year old son

"Yes mom" the boy smiled and hug his mom

"I gotta go now. Bye Karlie ,Lucas .enjoy your day okay? Take care" then Lena stormed out

"Sooo what do you want to do Lucs? " Karlie asks

"Hmm.I don't know"

"Wanna go out?"

"Can you tell me stories? Like you always do ?" Lucas ask in excitement making Karlie smile

They settle their selves in the living room

"Okay what stories do you want to hear now?"

"Anything!" Lucas grin

"Well that's tough. I do have a lot of stories ,you should give me a subject lil guy" Karlie winks

"What about-oh my-- your story!" Lucas giggles


"Yeah like your own story.The real story of your life .. Hmm love life?"

"What?! Hey where did you get those'love life' ?" Karlie said quoting the 'life life' she heard from the kid .tsk children nowadays

"Silly. What I mean is your love life ,you know like in the fairy tale you always told me. You told me about cinderella, peter pan, beauty and the beast, also about my mom's and dad's story also in aunt Cara and Kendall ,now I want to hear yours" Lucas simply smile

Hearing those words from Lucas makes her heart pounds rapidly. Should I tell him? . With those words it made her comeback to the past and visit their history

Karlie let out a deep breathe

"Okay .but let me remind you--"

"Yea yea ,I know .Not all love stories have happy endings" he said parroting my reminders

"Here it goes.."

"Karlie! Wait up!" Taylor approaches me

"Oh? Taylor?easy babe" Karlie giggles as she looks upon the panting Taylor .Taylor was raising her index finger to Karlie, trying to catch her breath

"Can I walk with you home?"

"That's new.well what's up?its kinda miracle no Styles tailing you ..anyway yeah sure you can"

"Harry and me had a little quarrel"

"Oh-- I'll take it back.that's not new" then she punches my shoulder

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