Paper,scissor,stick & Stone

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"Hey T!!" Taylor stops her tracks and face me from behind

"Oh where you've been Karls?" I gave her a finger to give me a second which I earned a chuckle from her

"I drove Toni home" I said in a plain voice .I saw Taylor's expression changed into something different .disappointment?

"Uhm..she's sick" I added then she just shrugs and a silent hovers for a seconds

"Come on .we're going to be late if we'll just stand here" Taylor says then grab my arms and head to our next class.

Taylor Swift. My best friend ,a great buddy and my awesome partner in crime. We were best friends ever since we were kids. We used to do crazy things together ,we cause a lot of troubles to ourselves which is awesome and so much fun by the way and I love it so much spending time around her.


3 days later

Taylor and I are sitting in a front row and chatting like there's no professor in front of us well, it's our way to pissed of our teacher and save everyone to his boring class

"Swift! Kloss! mind telling me what's your chitchat about?" He yells

"None of your business sir. Girls talk. You'll know unless you're a girl" I winked on him which causes everyone to laugh

"Well I can send you two in detention. But you'll not unless you're a teacher" he backfires

"Now you two,stay on the back" he added then Taylor and I stand up and heads to the back

Standing in the back with books laid on our both extended arms. A punishment indeed.

Still we managed to laugh that only both of us can hear. This was just a usual happenings even though after this we're going to have muscle pain

"He's such a butthead" Taylor chuckles

"Nuts" I blurted out and we laugh once again causing everyone to look on us

"Shhh!" Our professor warns
"Sorry." We said in unison still giggling


"Karls can you come with me later after class?" Taylor asks

I gave her an apologetic smile

"I'm sorry T not today. I already told Toni I'm coming with her to the mall later"

I can see disappointment in her eyes which I don't understand why.

"It's okay. Enjoy your day"

"Tay you know I always come with you like everyday right?"

"Well you do until Toni came" Her voice being sarcastic .I sighed and hug her

"Okay! Paper scissors. If you win I'll come with you" I grin and drop my clenched fist in front of her

"Nooo. You're unfair! You know I always loose in this game" she rolls her eyes but she also drop her ready to fight fist

"Okay game on. Paper , scissors ,stick and stone!" I said the drop our hands

As usual I win

Mine is stone and Taylor's stick

"Bye T! See you tomorrow" I said then laugh and hug her before storming out


"Each group should have at least 4 members . make a reporting next week about music,love ,family and friends. Class dismissed" Mr. Roswell said then stormed out

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