Your Eyes

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[A/N : I know some of you guys didn't like this style of writing. I mean ,I know you like conversations but this one shot doesn't have much convos but atleast try to read the whole thing for you to understand the story]


It's nice to see the this town just like the old times

Jogging in the morning with you.Passing in the empty streets while you jog after me

Sharing laughs and stupid thoughts as we walk passing our neighbors ,greeting them 'Good morning' giving them our kind smile as the sunshine rays slowly striking our beloved city ..our hometown

As we walk hand in hand passing in Mr. Harmon's house seeing him outside with his pet Connor whose 101% sure dislikes us. Every time we pass by ,Connor always barks like hell but its fun to run with you while Connor's chasing us

By 6:30 in the morning we're still on the street going to our next stop in the park. You always swat my hand and run like a kid asking me to chase you but you always fail to run away from me without getting caught.

As I lean in our favorite tree in the park with your head rested on my lap I always beam a smile wishing and hoping this moment will not end seeing you like this seeing us like this makes me want to live forever

"I love you"

You stop reading and close the book between your hands, forming a gleam in your lovely lips with your eyes shining revealing its curve making those blue orbs shine deeply and you replied

"I love you more"

With that my heart melts even though I already heard that from you a thousand times ,still you always give me those butterflies

Inhaling the fresh air while we stay in that position ,counting down the time as the air blow a little bit hard enough to make the petals of the tree flew its kinda cute how multiple times it happens when some petals perched upon your forehead

We spent about 45 minutes in the park and now we're ready to walk again passing the lampposts ,the lilacs flower near the bakery shop you like ,passing through the kids in the playground who always teases us specially Sarah and Marco

"Aww the two cutie lovers again"

"Good morning Ms Karlie and Ms Taylor . Anyway I'm starting to feel the itch again every time you two pass" Sarah grin

"Why lil girl?" Taylor ask

"Beeecaauusee there's a lot of ants! You two were really sweet" Marco giggles earning chuckle from me and a blush from Taylor

"Alright enough for the teasing kiddos. Good morning by the way" We wave a hand on them

"Have a great day for both of you! Bye!" They wave also in respond

7:20 am and now we're heading to another stop again .Your favorite ice cream shop and then after finishing the last scoop of your cup we walk again to the place where we ever first met the place we love the most next to our home the place where I first laid my eyes on you the place where I fell on those blue captivating eyes

In that old yet elegant coffeeshop of New York

As we enter the place the people there already recognizes us even some costumers beam a smile on us or even a nod not to mention the kind barista who always greeted us with a joyful and nice manner.

We don't even need to fall in line to take our orders cause the barista already know what we're taking

We sat on our favorite spot where we're near in the windowsill.While waiting you always get your phone and take a selfie of you and me

We talk a lot and in a moment of silence we keep our mouth shut looking idiot but our eyes speaks a lot.I love the sound of your laughter your voice became music into my ears

"You're such a dork"

"But you love this dork"

" much"

And then you pinch my cheeks till it turns to red.We pause for a moment and lost at each other's eyes once again . Slowly leaning to crash our lips tasting the sweet and addicting flavor of your lips

Yup . We do this all the time. Every morning

Our breakfast arrived and we start digging on it.Smelling the aroma of our coffees

Morning plus coffee and the person you love equals perfect

Life is like a cup of coffee that I never ordered .I never expected this in my life that I'd be in the arms of the person who I'd really love, well God is really great


A lot of memories on our morning routine of a life time ,a lot of memories on this place

Time will fades but memories will stay and I'm greatful and thankful that we'd cherish each and every single time of it

Sitting on our favorite spot , as the aroma of our coffee spread making me absorb and reminisce all our memories. Inhaling deeply before beaming a smile looking at those blue orbs in front of me

"I miss her too ma . I missed mom too" Alison ,our daughter gleam a smile on me ,wiping the tears that escape from my eyes.

"You really got her eyes sweety as well as your smile"

She leans to give me a kiss on my forehead

"Let's finish our coffee before it gets cold .Enough of tears ,mom doesn't like drama" she chuckles but tears in hear eyes were starting to build

"Yeah you're right honey" I said as I wipe her tears


A/N: this made me cry. Okay enough .This story keep running in my mind so yeah I decided to wrote it

Let me know your thoughts.

Peace and love folks

Love, KaylorWhere stories live. Discover now