The God Brother

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Cole had just burst into the bathroom, anticipating the worst. Instead, what he had found was completely unexpected.

"What in the-?"

He carefully walked across the room and pulled back the curtain, holding the knife carefully in his hand. He looked around and reassured himself about what he was seeing. He was seeing...


Yes. You've read right, nothing was in the tub. Well, except water. Cole walked around and thought.

'But it doesn't make any sense, I'm sure that there were noises up in here! The window's too small for one person to fit through at any age.

He looked at the small window that hung above the toilet seat. It had burgular bars in front of it and they weren't cut. Even so, nobody could fit.

'If the culprit isn't in here, and nobody could come out through the window. That means...!"

A small shuffling noise reaffirmed his suspicions. The only logical conclusion that could arise from this, unless the culprit was some expert contortionist that hid in his cupboard.

The culprit was behind him. 

He quickly threw the knife behind him, turning in the process. The knife flew through the air and landed straight into the floor board narrowly grazing it's target.

"Ow! What the hell Cole?!"

Cole looked at the person he had nearly struck. He stood 5ft tall and had African American skin, he also was pretty slim. He wore a white t-shirt with long blue jeans. In his right hand was a towel, which was soaking wet. 

He pressed the towel against the cut, hoping to keep the blood from seeping out from his cut. 

"What?! But how-"

"What the CENSORED is going on here?!" 

 Cole and the boy turned around to see young blonde haired woman rush into the room, holding a metal broom in her hand, ready to bash their brains out. Her blue levi jeans and white t-shirt didn't help stop her fury from being noticed by all.

Marissa held her glare at the two, as she warily moved her broom around, not afraid to shove it up someone's ass for interrupting her. 

"Um, Marissa, I can explain."

"I hope you can explain to the doctor why there is a 4 foot metal broom shoved up your ass! At least you won't have to worry about a CENSORED prostate exam!" Cole cringed at the thought. "What gives you the damn right to kick down my damn door?!"


The boy walked forward and looked at Marissa innocently. The feeling was not mutual.

"Ms. Marissa? It was my fault. I left the door open when I walked in. Don't hurt Cole." He said with an innocent child like tone. Miraculously, Marissa's tone did a 180 as she lowered her broom.

"No problem sweetie. And what's your name?"

"Trouble." Cole muttered.

"Terry." The boy, Terry, replied.

"Well, Terry, just call me next time you come in. I'm right next door." She turned to Cole. "Well, I'm sorry for...all of this. So, yeah, I'll just pay for the door...again..."

"No prob Marissa. Later."

"Bye Terry." She said sweetly as she waved at Terry. "Later Thing." She said as she referred to Cole. He just chuckled and looked the other way. When she left, Terry turned around and asked.

"So, who was the sexy lady?" In a nearly pervasious manner.

"Marissa. My landlady. Now, why are you here?!" Cole asked.

"I told you, vacation." Terry replied. "So, have you...stepped it up a little?"

"W-what?" Cole asked, a slight not noticeable blush appeared on his face. "Didn't you notice her age. She's 19 or 20 something, I'm 15. She's way too old for me bro. Besides, I'm..."

"An Asexual. I know." 

Cole sighed as he sat on his bed, Terry following him and sat next to him. Cole turned to the boy and asked the million dollar question.

"How did you get here?"

"I came by plane, mom couldn't stay so I just let myself in."

"How did you get in?"

Terry smirked.

"I picked the lock."

Cole looked at the boy in disbelief as he got up and took out his cellphone from his pocket. He had then started to dial a number, when a sharp ringing tone had cut through the air. He pressed talk and kept the phone to his ear, chatting in a hushed tone. When he had finished, he looked at his God brother.

"Look, I have a crime scene to get to. So..."

"Can I come? I wanna see what you do during an investigation."

Cole paused for a bit in thought, he pondered about if the he should let a child come to a crime scene that was violent. 

"I guess you can come, but don't touch anything."

Terry fist pumped as he ran outside to the front door. Cole just placed the knife on his chest of drawers and followed him, already knowing that this was a mistake.

God Brother: A Ghost's ElegyWhere stories live. Discover now