Roses are Red, Crime Scenes are Red too!

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Cole and Terry were walking down the street, with Terry holding a umbrella due to the sudden downpour. They crossed the street as two bright flashes of red and blue came from a house nearby. A bunch of people were walking in and out of the house nearby. That was their destination.


The two looked around as they saw Marissa running towards them, wearing a black overcoat. She held a file out to Cole as she waved at Terry.

"Wait a sec...Ms. Marissa's a detective?"

"Call me Marissa, and I work with Cole, who just so happens to be my tenant. So it all works out in the end." She started. She turned to Cole and her face grew serious. "Anyway, Cole, this one's pretty...brutal. Might not be a good idea to let the kid in."

Terry frowned. "Hey! I'm Eleven, I'm a man! Not a little kid."

"The vic had a child, she's in the squad car over there. Maybe you should, you know, make friends and stuff." She suggested.

Terry nodded as he walked to where Marissa pointed. He opened the door and went inside. He saw the girl they were talking about.

She wasn't the healthiest looking child in the world. She had a pale complexion, her arms and legs looked like bones, like skin didn't exist there. Her dark black hair gave her a scary look, and Terry had to stop from screaming. Her white dress didn't help at all.

"Um, hey."


Terry shuffled nervously.

"So, what happened?"

"Someone died."

"Well, yeah, that's obvious. But who died?"


Terry looked down and tried to find words to say. He remembered something that Cole said he says when someone's relative died.

"I'm sorry for-"

"That does nothing to help, your not really sorry, so save your breath." She replied quickly.

"So what do you want me to say?" Terry asked, feeling a bit annoyed by her attitude.

"Nothing. Can't you just be quiet?"

"Well I have manners, so I can't just sit here and do nothing!"

"Look!" The girl snapped, cutting Terry off and making him afraid. "Your dad didn't die, Mine did! So why don't you just shut up and let me think! You never had your dad die in front of you and had some annoying kid come and made your life difficult. So just be quiet for once in your miserable life."

"You don't know anything about me. True no kid came and annoyed me, but I'm just trying to help you. But your getting on like your on your damn period. Be grateful that your not pissing me off right now. Besides..." Terry shouted. "I know what its like to lose a dad."

The girl sat shocked, when she asked one question that started it.

"How did he die?"

Terry had to hold back sobs. He was a man, he couldn't cry.


"Wanna talk about it?"

He looked at her. An angry glare came from his eyes, they seemed to glow a bit.

"Now who's being annoying."

"Touche. Name's Christe. Yours?"

"Terry. Sorry about-"

"Shut it."

They both smiled. Christe giggled and blushed. Terry blushed a little too, and had to look away. He looked at the people coming and going and remembered what he'd came here for.

"Hey, I know it's your dad and all, but I'm sneaking in the crime scene. Wanna come with?"

Terry slapped his mouth as he suddenly regretted ever mentioning those three words. Suprisingly, Christe nodded.

"Why not? It's not like you can do anything."

"Actually, I can. It's kinda weird. Can you keep a secret?"

After whispering in Christe's ear, she looked at him with a gleam in her eyes. Together, they silently opened the door and snuck out and slipped through the door frame.


"Dude, what do you think?"

"Roses are red, Violets are blue, blood is red and Crimes Scenes are too!" Cole rhymed. Marissa chuckled.

"Nice poem."

The scene, as they entered, was completely not like anyone expected. And if you understood Cole's poem, then you've gotten a gist of this scene.

The entire room, floor wall and ceiling, was covered with a slimy red substance. Cole managed to walk over to the body without getting his shoes wet. He saw the body, some of it's skin was covered in red splots. The scent of iron reached Cole's nose, as he recognized the red substance as blood.

"Well, damn..." He muttered as he looked around.

"Yeah, no kidding. The amount of blood here shows that he was definitely not dumped here.The entire place was locked from the inside. No wounds on the body either. " Marissa replied with uncertainty.

Cole looked at her in disbelief, noting the fact that all the windows had burglar bars installed with Master Locks in the slots.

"Your joking right? So the killer walked in, did I don't know what, and left with all the doors and windows intact?!"

"Kinda like a ghost."

A cold chill floated around in the air as the G word was mentioned. Cole ignored it as he looked at the body again.

"Any ID?"

"Name's Sebastian Greaves. And his daughter Christe Greaves was found, as you know. Divorced. Other than her, nothing else was really found. I found his wallet and saw the abbreviation R.I.C.H. Any clue to what that is?" Marissa asked with her hand on her hips.


Cole walked over to the kitchen and spots a tiny orange bottle with a white pill inside. A label written in a crude handwriting was on the white label in front. The word "ECSTASY" was written on it.

"Well lookie here. We've got a culprit. This prescription of Escatasy is a clue, but I've never heard of that drug doing something of this...redness." Cole analyzed.

"I'll run a test on it. It must be more spiked that it already is. After we remove some of this blood, we'll run through this place with a fine tooth comb." Marissa walked over and placed the bottle in a bag with a label "Evidence".

"So... anything planned for the rest of the d-"

Cole was cut off as an officer's tough voice was heard.

"Hey! You're not allowed!"

The two turned around and looked at the small kids who managed to sneak past the guard. Terry and Christe managed to run into the middle of the room.

"Terry! I told you-!"

"Yeah-yeah. Put a sock in it! We're not gonna touch anything." Terry said with a smirk as Cole glared at him.

"Whoa, so much blood..." Christe said absent-mindedly as she reached for the nearest couch and sat. As soon as she did that, a piece of paper flew out and landed amongst the blood. Cole started to reach for it.


His eyes snapped towards Terry, as he saw him shiver. Marissa gasped and held her mouth, Christe just stared in shock. And Cole just tried to make sense of it all.

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