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Peyton Clark

"What the fuck are you doing here"

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"What the fuck are you doing here"

Dylan my ex boyfriend the tried to rape me is at the door.

"Well a hi would have been nice can I come in"

"No you can not now why are you here"

"To apologize"

"Why now why not 4 years ago"

"Because I couldn't bring myself too because you were with Chandler and I didn't want to ruin that"

"Why would you have ruined that"

Then I hear little feet coming downstairs. I look behind me and saw Holden coming to me.


"Baby go play please mommy is talking to someone I will be there in a minute ok"

He nods and runs off to play. I turn back to Dylan.

"So you have a kid now who's that dad"


"You guys broke up though"

"That was before I found out I was pregnant and we are together now again"

"Why he broke your heart"

"So did you but he came back and I'm happy with him so can you please leave and never come back or mention my name again"


"Go away please for the love of god go" I yell

I then see Luna pull up forgetting I made plans with her and she angrily gets out of her car and walks over to us.

"Leave please before I call the police" she tells him

"I just came her to talk to Peyton" he says

"Well she doesn't want to talk to please leave"

He pushes him out of he way and takes me into the house. I then break down into tears. Holden then comes running in and hugs my legs. I pick him up and hold him tightly to me.

"Why sad mommy" he asked

"Don't worry about it baby"

"Daddy beat up man"

"Daddy won't beat anyone up okay uncle took care of it a long time ago before I even meet your daddy"

"Ok mommy play now"

"Yes mommy can play now"

I put him down and we go play with Luna too. Holden loves Luna and even calls her Auntie which is cute. Because Lucas still hasn't found his girl Holden doesn't have an aunt but Luna.

My mom comes home and I tell her what happened and then tell her that Holden said that Chandler should beat him up which made her laugh.

"Are you going to tell Chandler" my mom ask

"I think I should. I've kept Holden a secret for almost 2 years I don't want to keep anymore from him unless it's like a good secret" I say

"Good choice" Luna says

"I'll FaceTime before Holden goes to bed" I say

I pick up Holden so me him and Luna can go to the store to pick up dinner and dippers for Holden. I put him in his car seat and buckle him in then get in the passenger seat because Luna doesn't like it when Someone else drives besides her boyfriend because she's used to it.

Holden sings along to what ever Disney musical animation just came out that Chandler took him too.

We get to the store and I hold Holden on my hip while Luna pushes the cart. We get a small one that doesn't have seating for a baby/toddler so I just carry him. He likes being carried more than walking especially when he's not home. He points to stuff that he wants and I tell him no and he gets upset then gets distracted by something.

We get back home and eat the pizza we got for dinner. Then Luna leaves and I give Holden a bath. I get him in his pjs and we sit on my bed and FaceTime Chandler.

"Hello Chanlito" I say

"Never say that again babe never" he says

"Whatever say hi to Daddy" I tell Holden who's sat in my lap and very sleepy

"Hi daddy"

"Hey baby boy how was your day"

"Good. Man made mommy cry"

"What Peyton"

"I'm going to tell you when he's asleep"

"Okay hey Holden I love you"

"I love you daddy"

"Okay let's put you too bed baby bear" I say and pick him up

He wines and Chandler laughs probably screenshot it. I lay him down and kiss his head and he basically falls asleep as soon as I kissed him. I go back to my bed and lay down.

"So who's this man that made you cry and why did he make you cry" Chandler ask

"It was Dylan"

"Dylan as in your ex that tried to you know what"

"Yes and it was nothing he said it was just the fact he had the audacity to come here and try to apologize"

"Did he apologize"

"Kinda not really I just want him out of my life because I have you and I love you and just want to forget about him"

"Understandable did you tell him that"

"Yes so did Luna and she threatened to call the police then Holden asked if you would beat him up"

"I would be more than happy too" he says while laughing

"I know you would but leave it be he was the past and you and Holden are my future"

"Sounds good and I'll let you sleep because I know you are tired I love you"

"I love you"
I never had Dylan like in this series so I I did this little chapter and he can be played by who ever idc and this is the only chapter he will be in.

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