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I woke up to a hard body and a big headache.

My eyes start to feel somber again, when i hear my door furiously being opened.

"Aunty says to get out of bed." I grunted, indicating that I was awake. I would not go downstairs though.

I hear the door open, and then close, and I know she is gone. I close my eyes, trying to fall back to sleep, however fadilah come back into the room. "Aunty tace mu sauko yanzu atare, so get up!"

She left the room, and after a few moments I decided it is best to get up. I throw on some leggings and a sweatshirt that happened to be lying on my messy room floor.

I walked into the kitchen, I was greeted by the sweet scent of my mother's hotcakes.

"Hi Aunty! Ina kwana? Is this for me?"

"Of course sweetheart, you need to restock on energy." Grabbing me from behind kissing me on the cheek

"Are you okay Hafsah? You look like you were crying? Did someone hurt you?"

"I'm fine aunty, I was just a little sad about last night. But I'm good now."

"Are you sure?" She asked again, not seeming to believe me, but who could really blame her? She is my mother after all.

We ate breakfast and flirted.

I went and took a quick shower and put on my simple gown and go back to sleep.


It takes hours for me to doze off because i couldn't stop thinking about the things Jamal said. But I do fall asleep, only to be awakened by the sound of my phone ringing. I took it frustrated without checking the caller ID.

"Hi baby" Jamal sounded from the other line

I kept silent without uttering anything.

"Hello! Baby are you there?"

"Why are you calling me at this time?" I asked bluntly

"I'm sorry hafsah, I couldn't sleep again my mind has just going crazy, I can't let you go. Just hear me out please, I don't want to bother you i just want to talk.

"Jamal, I can't believe you are wasting your time on this. Don't want to talk."

"then you can listen"

"Don't want to listen either. Do not call me again dan Allah. I hung up and threw the phone on the bed. After some minutes he called again 3 times and I didn't answer, the phone kept buzzing with messages, I turned my attention to the phone and most of the messages were from Jamal.

I ignored the messages and switched off the phone to avoid any distraction.


Hafsat mansoor, a first child to haj. Amina and Dr. Mansoor abdallah, and sister to fadil and fadilah mansoor.
Nineteen years old in her second year in university.

She had tanned skin, oval like face and a dark brown color eyes, surrounded by long, curved eyelashes that could melt with just a glance, thin, yet full eyebrows that arched with her face structure, she had the most beautiful reddish lips, outfit were always on point. Her features were stunning.

Her dad pampered her, she was arrogant and a bit monstrous. Hafsat had difficulties to build relationships with other people except her family.

Not edited

Assalamu alaikum beautiful people

What are your thoughts on the second chapter of HR?

Yay or nay?

Hey sweethearts! Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend

Sorry for the no update days, I haven't posted an update in a while. I've been so quiet because there was a problem.
But Alhamdulillah now, updates sai kunce kun gaji😉

Good night

Stay blessed!




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