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Thats how they got here.


         Yup. You herd right. Somehow, thanks to James, him, his brother Albus and his sister Lily got sent back in time.

1998 to be exact.

Geuss what day they were lucky enough to land on.

May second.

         Tears are dripping down all three of their faces as the hide in the back of the crowd, under their father's (from the future) invisability cloak.

         They sit there listening to Voldemorts speach about their dad being a coward. He lied. Thei dad was none of those things. He was strong, funny, smart and always knows what to say to make you smile.

      No. Not was. Is. James reminded himself. Theres no way their dad could be dead. He just knew it. They stood there for what felt like hours until the war broke out again. "Come on Lils, we nead to go!" James shouts at his sister. "B..but dad... " "No buts lets go." He says grabbing her arm to make way for Nevile who just got thrown back by Voldemort. "Its alright lily." Al says putting a hand on her shoulder as we quickly sprint past another pair dueling.

       Then a sentence that made James heart plummet with anger. "HARRY? WHERES HARRY?" James turns and to his horror his dads body is gone. Is there a possibility that he's alive? No. Dont be silly. Some death eater probably took it to ruin. To burn and make a fool out of. His veins butning in anger, James quickens his pace until the reach a deserted corridor, far away from the courtyard. "Alright. Lets just stay here until the battle is over." James whispers. "How do you know it will be over soon?" Asks albus. "Because dad always said it was only one night. So... Hopefuly it will all be over soon. Yeah."

        He looks over at his siblings. Both are covered in dirt and Lily has tear stains on her cheeks. She has a small cut on her wrist but other than that they are all unharmed. He see's Al pull her into a hug and lets out a breath he didnt know he was holding. Because of him they were brought into the middle of a war and now their dad is dead. Because of him Voldemort will probably live forever. Because of him they will never exist. His mother will probably fall into depression and teddy would have no where to go.

All because of him.

      Suddenly a yell comeing from the great hall interupst his thoughts. The trio looks at eachother and rushes to the great hall.

      The sight that met their eyes was something that you could never unsee. Hundreds of people. Cheering. Hugging, grabbing and patting Harry. And there, by harry's feet was the body of the most dreaded wizard of all time. Pale, sickly and dead.

It was finally going well.

For now. 

*************hiiiii hope youlike it:) sorry its unedited

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