Ambulans Mortem

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Chapter 15

Ambulans mortem is a wizarding sickness.

Its nearly impossible to cure.

You can hold it off but you can never cure it.

It makes you weak.

So weak that you can barely walk.

It makes you sick.

You'd be lucky to be able to get a single bite down after you have it fully.

It is wizard made.

Made to be used in the goblin war.

It disappeared.

Until over three hundred years later it resurfaced in a young boy, killing him with in a year.

A slow, painful year.

Every once and a while it will show up again.

It would find an unfortunate soul and hit them hard.

This unfortunate soul happened to be Ginny Weasley.

She had gotten it when she was 16, shortly after the Battle of Hogwarts.

After much medication she had recovered.

Until now.

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