Chapter 7: The Escape from the Beast

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As we walked deeper into the cavern, she asked me "Why did you save me?" I didn't want to tell her the real reason that I saved her was because I liked her, so I told her a lie I said "Its cause we are a team." She then roll her eyes as if she knew I was lying, then she replied saying "Thanks for saving me." and I reply by saying "No problem" the cave then started to darken as our paws started to get wet.

She then looked at me and said "What is happening", but before I could say anything, I started to glow blue again and it lit up the whole room, we then both looked and we saw that water was covering the floor. I then said "Its not that bad." She nodded her head in agreement, we started to go deeper into the cavern.

Once we both made it out if the water, we both shook the water off of our paws as we reached dry ground, we both then saw another opening leading into another room and I said "Should we head into the room?", she replied by saying "Yes, that could be our only way out.", We then both enter the room, this room was a giant octagon shaped room with a dark hole in the back of the room with some rusty chains around some old stone pillars, as they lead into the dark hole in the back of the room. We both looked at each other and we both started to follow the chains.

Once we saw what the chains where holding we both shrank in fear, our ears flat against our head because we were scared. We started to back up back the way we came in, then two giant feet came out of the hole and landed on the ground that we were both standing on. Each foot had five toes, each of them with a claw, then its head appeared out of the darkness, it was a red dragon and it stared at both of us with its green glowing eyes, it opened its mouth roaring a great roar, as it showed both of us its huge sharp white teeth.

The dragon then lifted its whole body out of the darkness and it opened its giant red wings, as it stretched them, it put the wings away I could feel the wind from the dragon putting up its wings. It then looked at both of us and it said in a deep menacing voice "What are you both doing in my cave system?", I then replied by saying "we both fell into the cave system we are trying to find the exit to the cave." He then looked at Rose and licks his lips, I saw the look he was giving Rose I put her behind me staring at the dragon in anger, even though I was frightened. The dragon then looks at me and gives me an angry look saying "That is my lunch", he starts to snarl at me, I then get in a defensive position to protect Rose.

The dragon then gets up on its hind legs and looks at me with an angry face saying "get out of my way", I reply saying "No you are not eating her". He then puts one of his front arms back and swings it at me, I then go flying. I hit the cold wet stone of the cave wall, I get up and I start to slowly walk towards Rose again. I start to feel the blood that was gushing out of the wound that the dragon put by scratching me.

My vision starts to go black, as I keep slowly walking towards Rose, she then ran towards me fearful of the giant red dragon, she then comes over to me and helps me out of the room. We both exit the room together and she then fell on the ground from exhaustion, I start to black out, but before I do, Rose comes over to me and starts to lick the wounds clean. I start to smile thinking to myself that she really cares for me, she then lies down next to me and puts her head on top of mine, we both then fall asleep on the cold wet cave ground.

The next morning I wake up dizzy and weak, I hear some running water and I slowly start to head out in the direction of the noise. I then get to the water source and I slowly start to lap up the water it burns, as the cold water slowly goes down my throat. Rose then wakes up and she hears me drinking, she then heads that direction because she was thirsty as well.

She appeared behind me, she said "Hey Blizzard. How are you feeling?", I reply by saying "I'm okay, just my back really hurts". Rose then started drinking as well, We both kept on drinking for a couple more minutes until we were both refreshed. I then looked into the room and I saw a way out of that room, I say "Are you ready to escape the dragon?". She looked at me with surprised eyes saying "Yea I am, but how are we going to escape?", I then point my head towards the exit I saw and I say "That is how" I then smile at Rose and she smiles back.

We then both get ready to exit the room where the dragon was. I then say "Rose, are you ready?", She then nodded her head to my response, we both then start heading into the room and we looked around just to make sure the dragon was still in his hole. Rose looked at me and I nodded my head in silent signal, we then both run to the exit, but I hear a giant roar from behind me and I look behind me and I see the dragon flying towards me as its claw got closer to my tail. I finally get out of the room and Rose and I both turn around to see the dragons' giant green glowing eye looking at us with an angry expression, we both then started to head down deeper into the cave system.

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