Ch.9 Escaping near death

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As I woke up stretching next to Rose I looked at her. I began to look for food for both of us, to have for breakfast. I walked around the room feeling the soft moss sink beneath my paws, out of the corner of my left eye I saw something small crawl along the floor. I look in that direction and I see the tail of a type of rodent, by the size of the tail it looked like it was big enough for the both of us.

I sink close to the floor, as I started to sneak closer to the rodent. As I got closer I could hear the rodents slow breathing and I could see its silk looking black fur. I got as close as I could and I lunged on top of the rodent, I then start to bite its neck and blood started to pour out of its neck and into my mouth. I waited until its legs stopped moving, I brought it over to Rose who was still asleep. I quietly go closer to her, so I didn't wake her up.

I lay the giant black rodent in front of her, the rodents blood started to pour out of its body onto the moss covered ground. I waited for Rose to smell the blood and wake up, after a while her nose started to twitch and she opened up her red eyes looked at the rodent laying on the ground. She shrieked in fear, as its leg twitched, she then got up and ran to me and hid behind me, as she started to shake.

After a heartbeat or two she finally got the courage to sniff the rodent. Rose started to tear it in half, she then said "This other half is for you Blizzard." and I reply saying "Thanks!", I then go over to the rodent and I start eating it tearing flesh and meat with every bite. After a couple of minutes we finished eating it, till the only thing left was the bones.

We both then look at each other, I smile at her and she said "Today I would love to find the exit to this cave system." I look at her and I say "Yea me too" I smile at her as I say this. We both then go to the pond and we start to drink the cold crisp water. After a couple more drinks we stop drinking and we both look around the room again seeing if there was an exit. I then see a little hole, but it wasn't big enough for any one of us to fit in.

I go over to the hole and I start to dig, Rose then goes near me and starts to help me dig. We continue to dig until the hole is big enough for us to fit through. I back up and so did Rose, I then look at her and I say "Are you ready?" She nods her head and I crawl into the hole, she then goes in after me. I had to keep on digging as we continued to go through the hole.

It started to get darker, but the blue markings started to glow making it easier to see. I continue to dig as we crawl through the hole, I start to see light, I then tell Rose "Hey I see some light!" She barks in excitement, I continue to dig and I finally remove the last pieces of dirt and light shines on my face. I crawl out of the hole, stretching my legs as I get out. Rose then gets out after me stretching her legs as well, we both then shake off all of the dirt, that was on our fur.

I look around the room, this room didn't have any moss or any plant life around. She looks at me with her red eyes and says "Blizzard I think we were better off where we were." I look around the room saying "Yea maybe, but if you want to escape then we have to keep moving." She nods her head in response, we both start to look around the room and there is a big dark tunnel in the wall. "Should we enter?" I say to her, she looks at it with her eyes full of curiosity "Yea, it could be our only way out."

I timidly put a paw in the darkness slowly, but to my surprise it was water and my paw went into the water. I then put all my legs in, but it was deep so I had to doggy paddle to move. Rose then does the same and she doggy paddles to me. "You ready?" I say to her and she nods her head in response, we both start to doggy paddle deeper into the tunnel.

It got darker the deeper we went and the blue marks started to glow again making the tunnel walls glow a tint of blue, then I hear a loud roar as two crocodiles started to swim towards us. I bark at Rose telling her to keep paddling, we continue paddle faster, but the crocodiles were very fast swimmers. I feel one swim under me and jump up out of the water almost biting my hind legs.

We continue to doggy paddle fast, until the water got shallower and we could finally touch our paws on the cold stone cave floor. We stood up, as we caught our breath panting. I look back as I see the crocodiles orange glowing eyes looking at me with hayred, they go underwater and swim away. We both then shake off the water that soaked in our fur.

I lie down on the cold stone ground in exhaustion and I let out a huge breath of relief. Rose comes over to me and lies down next to me, as she lets out a sigh of relief. I let out a huge yawn, my eyes then start to get heavy and I start to fall asleep. Rose looks at me and smiles, as she lets out a huge yawn. We both then fall asleep next to each other.

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