II.5 The End

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And so this story ends.

Well, not quite. Threads of plots lead elsewhere and ought to be tied up:

1. The new brand of flavoured tea the Goddesses were drinking was, obviously, Celestial Seasonings, what else? The cookies, on the other hand, were not Divine Chocolate Cookies, as some might have expected, but some sablés au chocolat manufactured in a rural, backwater area of some backwater planet in a backwater universe.

2. The far-away, small, forested planet soon got a visit from a small spaceship. And Doom decided it to have an issue with its main drive. But that story is told elsewhere, check out @jinnis profile for details.

3. The button was very happy with its new pastime. Until it ran into a seven-letter-word, the maiden name of the wife of the third Head of Council of Steepletown. It had no clue. In its frustration, it threw a tantrum and started to hop in place...

4. The universe is expanding—all of it is trying to get away from Chuck Norris.

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