i forgot to take default title off ignore that

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Patton found Roman gardening at 6am, but he didn't interrupt the other man. Instead he went to go check on Virgil, he sensed distress and self-hatred coming from the younger mans room and he couldn't stand by and let the man go through any more emotional turmoil. He knew what it was like, he knew that if someone didn't step in the now then Virgil would isolate himself from everyone and Patton knew what that would feel like better than anyone else.

The door creaked open and Patton let out a soft sigh as he went to sit down next to Virgil. The anxious man was buried under a pile of blankets, his head the only thing that was visible.

"Are you okay?" He asked out of a sense of politeness, he already knew that Virgil was anything but okay; he didn't need to be an empath to know that much. "I know you aren't, and that's okay. You don't need to be okay all the time, you are allowed to be sad - I uh, I had to learn that the hard way."

Virgil flicked his eyes at him questioningly, silently asking what he meant. Patton sighed as he prepared to answer the unasked question.

"I, uh, know what you're going through. Hating, being terrified of, your powers is something I'm familiar with. I didn't... want to be an emapth so I tried to, uh, tried to stop releasing emotions in a healthy way to be more 'normal' but they just built up until I exploded and forced negative emotions onto those around me. I, uh, after that.... I learnt to  deal with them some other way, uh, but that.... wasn't h-healthy." He let out a broken sob as he rubbed his shirt-covered arms with shaking fingers.

Virgil draped one of his many blankets over Patton before pulling the older man into a gentle hug.

"How did you know it was about my powers?" Virgil questioned, knowing that Patton would break down completely if they kept talking about his past.

"Oh, uh.. lucky guess?"

"Pat, please don't lie to me," Virgil sighed, breaking their hug momentarily to wipe tears from the others face.

"I heard you and Roman talk last night," he said sheepishly as he rubbed his neck.

"Oh. I didn't mean to but I.... I thought he was Depression," he whispered as tears formed in his own eyes. This time Patton pulled him into a hug and whispered soothing words into his ear.

"Was it because of a nightmare?"

A nod.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"It was just a memory, I think it was anyway. I had done something wrong and.. and Dep... He was screaming and it was terrifying. And his hands came towards my throat but Roman woke me up and I was so scared that I used my powers to... uh make him think I was choking him because I couldn't see that he wasn't... Depression. I was so scared," Virgil explained before letting out a quiet hiccup before burring his face into the older mans shoulder.

"Shhh, its okay. It's okay, you're safe," Patton whispered as he rubbed circles onto Virgil's back, trying to help calm the anxious-sad-scared man down. "It wasn't your fault."

"But it was! I hurt him and, oh god, he probably hates me now," Virgil rushed out, his brain failing to filter his panicking thoughts.

"Virgil. I wasn't your fault, and Roman certainly doesn't blame you. If anything he blames himself," Patton murmured softly as he continued to hold the sobbing trait.

"Why would he do that?" He asked as he wiped tears from his eyes.

"Roman... take's it upon himself to protect everyone. He thinks he has failed you because he hasn't protected you, despite the fact that you are obviously strong enough t protect yourself," Patton explained as he stood up, letting the blanket fall from his shoulders and onto the floor. "Now, stay here whilst I go and get you something to drink, you must be thirsty."

"Yeah, okay."

Neither of them noticed the way the shadows clung to the walls.

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