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When Paton returned to the room with a glass of water in hand Virgil was gone. Nothing was out of place, nothing was smashed, but he was gone.

"Roman! Logan! Get... Virgil's room, now!" Patton screamed, his voice cracking from unshed tears as he checked everywhere for the missing man. He was short and skinny, there where so many places that he could be, surely he was just hiding. Virgil hadn't left, he couldn't have left.

"P-Patton what is wrong?" Roman gasped, slightly out of breath from running from the greenhouse all the way upstairs.

"Where is Logan?" Patton questioned, he didn't want to explain anything twice.

"I was unable to find him, maybe he went on a walk?"

"Without telling us? Oh God, Logan is missing too,"

"What do you mean too? Patton what... what is that?" Roman walked towards a note that was pinned to the door, his hands trembling as he pulled it from the door.

"What does it say?" Patton asked as Roman paled, the note obviously contained something terrible written on it if it made Roman react so  strongly.

"Dear Morality and Prince, as you might have noticed your dearest pet Virgil is gone. He has been returned to his rightful owner, however I have two other people of which you might like back. Come to my base (yes, I know you know where it is, I'm not stupid) and I shall give you them both back, but you must promise not to try and 'rescue' my solider. Sincerely Debby Ann. Depression." Roman sighed after reading the letter, yet he was curious... Depression had mentioned two people they would want 'back', one was Logan... so who was the second? 

"What did he mean... two people? Who else do we actually talk to except Logan and Virgil?" Patton questioned as he walked out of Virgil's room and into his own; he needed to get ready.

"No idea, but just so we are both clear, we aren't leaving Virgil with that monster," Roman said, standing outside how own door.

"Definitely not."

Two doors shut, two heroes left that house.


"Who fucking names their child Debby?"

"Roman, focus!"

"Oh, yeah. But fucking Debby?"


"Okay, you ready?"

"No, but I cant let Virgil stay in the presence of.... him for any longer than is completely necessary. There's no guards, he is obviously expecting us."

"Then lets give him what he expects."

They walk in through the front doors, immediately frowning at the horrific smell that attacked their noses.

"Ah, Patton, Roman.... sorry, Morality and Roman! It is a pleasure to finally meet you, I wish it was under better circumstances," a voice - Depression, both of them guessed - echoed around the building, they where unable to pin where the voice came from. Until a man stepped out of the shadows dressed in an immaculate suit, his dark brown hair slicked back and eyes shining with an strange glint in them.

"Give us who we came here for!" Roman yelled bravely, trying to hide how scared he was despite the fact that his whole body was trembling. Patton nearly passed out from the fear Depression was radiating, and the terror of someone near by... someone that he hadn't sensed in a long time.

"And who did you come here for?" Depression mocked, he wanted them to admit that they where abandoning Virgil.

"L-" The shadows wrapped themselves around Roman, but he struggled against them.

"Thomas," Patton breathed out slowly, his eyes frantically scanning his surroundings.

"What? Patton, what are you talking about?"

"Where the fuck is he? What have you done to him?" Patton screamed as he ran towards Depression, only for the shadows to pin him down.

"Oh.... Thomas! He can't see you right now, make an appointment for... never!"

"Wait... Thomas is dead. He died, I found his body! He is dead, he..." Roman sobbed, giving in to the shadows that pulled him backwards.

"I suppose I could let you see him though," Depression said before he clicked his fingers. In a far-too-elegant swirl of shadows, Thomas appeared in front of them. He was thinner than he used to be and a scar ran across his eyes, turning them a milky grey colour.

Patton suddenly understood what Depression meant by 'he can't see you right now' and he wished he didn't.

"Well, say hi! Go on, don't you want him to know you came to rescue him.... after two years?"

"Tho... Thomas," Roman chocked out through the sob in his throat and the tears in his vision.

"Roman? Roman is that you? I can't.... I can't see you Roman," Thomas cried, his hands in front of him as if he was searching for his brother.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm here, we'll get you outta here, okay?"

"I... I can't see anything Roman. It's so dark."

"I know, and I'm sorry but I can't do anything about that. Can you walk over here? Just a straight line, buddy, you're doing great."

"You promised Logan too! Where is Logan?"

"I'll bring him here, or even better I'll make Virgil watch as you leave without him. Just like everyone else," Depression snapped his fingers again and Loan and Virgil appeared in another flurry of shadows.

"Thomas!" Logan yelled as he ran over to the other man, and tried to help him walk over to his brother. It was when they reached Patton and Roman that they all realized their mistake; shadows grabbed their ankles and refused to allow them any movement. They where helpless.


"Yes sir?"

"Kill them."

.... Anxiety took a step forwards, hands in front of him and silently apologizing.

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