The End

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They sunk into the couch of their home, for once bothered by the bright canary wallpaper that greeted them, as they struggled to come to grips with what happened a mere few hours ago. Everything was so fast, their hands still trembled from the fight and Virgil refused to be away from Roman; the fight had fucked them all up, yet the memory of it was a mere blur in their heads. Something that almost seemed like a dream, except their torn clothes and the faint dazed look in their eyes.

"He's gone," Thomas sighed from where he was being held by Roman - his brother still couldn't quite believe he was alive. His statement threw the others back into reality, the faint twisting of the floor around Virgil's feet stopped, and soon they where all throwing reassurances and observations on things that didn't really natter around the room. They basked in their glory, swimming in relief in knowing that that monster would no longer terrorize the innocent for his own amusement.

Only Virgil replied to Thomas' statement, a small "yeah," and a squeeze of Romans hand where the only signs that Virgil was even paying attention. After his response his eyes slipped close and his head hit the back of the couch with a soft 'thud' - the others spared a quick glance to make sure he was okay but they didn't disturb the other, knowing he would be exhausted after using so much energy and being drugged.

(And yes Logan knew that he lied about not being high, and yes he told the others as soon as the fight was over.)

"I uh... thanks, for finding me," Thomas once again stated when the talking had lulled and been replaced with an uncomfortable silence. His hands had already explored the fabric of Romans costume, fingers running over everything he could reach, and now he was twisting his favorite mug around. He looped his fingers through the handle and carefully - delicately, as f scared he would break it if he was remotely heavy-handed when touching it - before a smile graced his face. "And thanks for keeping my mug."

"Would you like a drink?" Logan asked, the awkwardness far too much for him to deal with at that moment and so he needed an escape for a few moments. Luckily Thomas seemed to notice the strain in his voice and handed him the mug.

"Tea, please?" 

"Of course," Logan said before departing. He lent against the counter before putting the kettle onto boil and mentally gathered his thoughts of that day; it was far too emotional for him, and he dreaded to think of how Patton was feeling, but the empath had locked himself in another room after saying that he 'needed some time to separate everyone emotions.'

Logan understood, which is maybe why he never returned with Thomas' tea and instead let the water go cold before boiling it again.

Thomas didn't expect Logan to come back, instead he closed his eyes - purely a force of habit as he knew there was no reason for him to close them anymore - and joined Virgil in resting his head on the back of the couch. He shot the anxious man a smile when he felt the air around him shift to accommodate the movement of someone, before humming a calming tune. 

His humming soon turned into singing and he laughed a little with joy when Roman picked up on what song he was singing and started to sing it too. His chest felt light in a way it hadn't for years and he realized that the feeling was happiness - it was like, with the four of them with him, he was whole again, whole in a way he hadn't been since Michael and Peter had vanished. It was weird, it was unfamiliar... but it was nice.

His singing continued, though he switched to a slightly happier song.

Patton sat in his room. The lights seemed to bright, the ed too soft, the blankets too hot, the air too cold; everything was slightly off. But that was okay, because it meant that he was finally working through the emotions he had been bottling up since Virgil's arrival.

Fear. Sadness. Guilt. Panic. Anger.

The anger was the worst, a pure orange that would burn those who approached it and Patton briefly wondered how a man could keep such horrific emotions under control, before it was gone - flickering out like a flame that burnt too quickly. 

Fear - of Depression. But that had left him in swirling waves the moment Virgil had stood up for himself.

Sadness - that was no longer his, instead the majority of it fell onto the shoulders of his family.

Guilt - Romans. Virgil's. Patton didn't know, they blended together so perfectly and suffocated his mind of anything but that until -

Panic. The pain and terror of loosing his sight - everything was so dark for so long but he could still see and oh god what was happening. But then that faded too, and Patton could breath and he could think and he knew - he fucking knew - that that was nothing compared to how Thomas felt when they first... reunited before the fight.

Anger. Burning hot and terribly painful.

...But it was okay, they where healing.

(And downstairs Roman sat and confronted his own mind, working through issues that where long overdue and reassuring Virgil that he was still alive.)

And maybe (probably, definitely) they wouldn't be like they used to be, but they would heal with time and they would make themselves better. Until then they would work together to heal themselves and save others:      

Thomas, Logan, Roman, Patton and Virgil... No - The Sanders Sides.  



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