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The world around them spun, their vision blurring and dark spots making it impossible for the three heroes to see what was going on. But they felt the shift around them, the 'sorry' that hung in the air and the blood (drip drip) dripping from their mouths. It was terrifying, knowing that they where going to die, but as Patton took the others hands they felt themselves calm a little; at least Vigil would survive.

Logan used the last of his energy to make sure that Virgil knew that they didn't blame him: 'It's okay, do it,' he thought before passing out, hearing a soft 'I'll see you soon' from Virgil. Thomas quickly followed, then the echoing thump of Roman and Patton's bodies hitting the ground silenced everything.

"but they weren't dead, not yet anyway.

"Good boy, you can finish them off in a second. Now about you leaving..."

"I didn't mean to, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, sir,"

"Cease your endless babbling. I do not care if you meant to or not, the fact is that you did leave despite knowing what would happen if you did so," Depression stated far to calmly as he clicked his fingers, causing the shadows to retract from the others bodies and pull Virgil to the floor until he was kneeling in front of Depression.

He could smell the others blood as he kept his head down and he tried not to gag at the disgusting scent of it. He had no idea why he was so affected, he had smelt blood so many times before then (his own. Missy Pranks. Missy Pranks) yet the fact that this blood was from the famous Sanders Sides, his friends, took his mind back to the deaths of Missy and Pranks.

"Now if you don't kill them, I will and we both know that will be far worse," Depression said, and Anxiety felt an odd sense of deja-vu.

It was a normal training session, the three where expected to fight each other. They all knew that Anxiety would win; his powers where the strongest and he received more training than the others because of that, but Missy and Pranks knew that they would still have to try.

The brown haired boy, Missy, quickly changed his form into something smaller , and much more agile, whilst the blonde child created a force field around the two of them. Anxiety just stood there, watching the other two prepare for a battle that had already been won, before springing into action as Pranks let the shield drop.

"Come and have a go, if you think you're hard enough," Missy taunted, trying to rile Anxiety up. They all knew that Anxiety would often succumb to his powers when angry; making it both impossible and far too easy to defeat him.

"Not gonna work this time, M!" Anxiety shouted as he concentrated on bending the reality around him. His eyes turned a strange sort of black, but no one paid attention to it as they where to all too focused on the battle - that was, ultimately, their downfall.

Anxiety managed to disrupt the stage beneath them, causing them both to fall onto the floor, before pining them down with the somehow solid air. He grinned at them before offering his hand out, as if to pull them up.

"Kill them," Depression ordered , inspecting the happenings of the arena.

"What? No I ca-"

"Are you disobeying me, boy?"

"No, I would never.."

"Then kill them, they are useless to me if they cannot last longer than five minutes in a fight."

"But, please, I'll do anything.. just don't make me kill them. Please, sir!"

"If you don't kill them, I will. And we both know that will be far worse." Depression conjured a knife as black as the night and handed it to the shaking boy.

"It's okay," Pranks whispered, a smile on his face as Anxiety wept above him.

"Do it," Missy gasped out, his eyes shone with unshed  tears but a smile was on his face too. He was trying to remain strong for his friend, trying to comfort him even when he knew he was about to die.

Anxiety raised the knife and  stabbed it into each of their throats. Blood was everywhere, coating his hands in the disgusting copper-smelling stuff.

He snapped out of his memories when Depression started talking, though Virgil couldn't understand what was said. He didn't want to.

"No," he gasped, tears sliding down his face. When had he started crying?

"What was that?"

"I said no!" He yelled, before closing his eyes an concentrating on the way the world worked. He reversed his powers, bringing his friends - his family - back from the brink of death as he tried to fight his own fear. Depression scowled at him before sending a wave of deadly shadows towards them all; Virgil shrugged his bonds off and dived in front of the others, protecting them from the torrent of shadow-weapons. They faded from existence as soon as Depression realised that they would kill his solider, Anxiety was far too powerful and valuable to kill. He needed the other on his side.

"I won't kill them, not like I killed Michael and Peter. You don't own me anymore, you cant control me anymore!" Virgil screamed, before instructing the others to get Thomas out of their.

"I can't do that," Roman said, stepping in front of Virgil and protecting him from Depression.

"I'm not leaving you," Patton said as he joined Roman.

"We will fight for you, like you fought for us," Logan said as he joined the others; forming a wall between Depression and Virgil.

"You aren't alone anymore," Thomas murmured, before reaching his hand out and trying to feel his way to safety.

"Uh... take a left and then go straight. You'll be at the exit in around five minutes," Roman said, seeing his brother struggle to find his way to safety.

"Thanks! Now kick his ass for me!" 

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