Chapter 10

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Death is peaceful and easy. Living is harder. But love won't keep two people apart. I know this for a fact.

As I open my eyes, I can see that I was still in the tent. Did I just die? I sat up check my myself to see if I was impaled or not. I felt perfectly normal. I looked around, it was cloudy still and the sun should be rising by now.

"Vlad," I said, in a whisper tone, "where are you." He came into the tent. I am so glad to see him.

"My lady, I have something to tell you." He said, looking guilty, "You are not human. Have you heard legends about a blood drinking demon?"


"Well you are one. So am I." He walk closer to me and hug me.

"Vlad. Since the day I have met you, I knew you was different. But I knew in the future I would marry you, and have little Pomponia and Vlad children, running around the castle bear foot, and us chasing them for fun. But all that has change. The future I have predicted it has shattered. Into a million pieces. But the love between us, it is strong. Now... I don't know." I said, in like a loud whisper. I just lost it, I cried in to Vlad's armor, till I dried up.

"Pomponia, you don't know how long I have waited for you. I had to make a deal with the master vampire, so I could gain his power to stop Mehmed from getting more land, and the 1,000 boys. It is not the children's place to save his country. Know you can have strength as a 1,000 men, you can see through there senses. You can hear any sound there is to hear. There is a price... You will need to control the thirst." So I step back and looked at him, wondering what the thirst is.

"What is the thirst?"

"For blood." Oh. How can our lord forgive us for this? I step back trying to get some air.

"How can our lord forgive us for this? He will send us to the depths of Hell." I said. So I drop to my knees and prayed.

"Pomponia. He will forgive us. We are immortal. Come on let's go out and see the world." So he help me up and we walk out of the tent. I look around to see dead Turks drained from blood. This is a sight to see.

"Did you kill all of these Turks?" I ask.

"Yes. I had to. I had to do it, to get to you." He said, in my ear. That was the most sweetest thing I have ever seen him say to me. Then I stop and turn to look at Vlad.

"How did you... Change?" I ask.

"Come on. I will tell you when we get to the castle. But promise me something," I nod my head 'yes', "if your throat starts to burn, like you are swallowing Hell, and you start to hear whispers saying 'drink', when someone is near by. Don't listen to it. Hold something of pure silver. Here."

Then he took off a ring with a ruby from around his neck. It sting my eyes just to even look at it.

"Why does it hurt to look at it?" I ask, looking away from it.

"It is pure silver. Here," so he tied a leather lace around my neck and the ring hanged down. "Just remember to hold it if you get the urge to... Kill." When he said that, all I wanted to do is die. Because I can't kill no one. I don't have the heart to. I just stared at Vlad like he was a murder.

"Don't worry. I only hunt animals. Not people. Let go back to the castle. Oh! Pomponia, we will be running. It will be wonderful." So we took hand and hand, and Vlad started to run, before I knew it we both turn into bats. W e was soaring through the cloudy sky.


Once we got back to the castle, Vlad told me to get into his arms and to act like I was sleeping, so I did. When we got up to the gates, everyone was swarming around us.

"Let me take her to her room. And please don't bother us. I want to be with her when she has woken up from her rest." Vlad boom at everyone, which made me shiver. He felt it and rub his hands around my back. I love it when he does this. I love how the sparks go through out my body. Making me calm down and think.

Once Vlad got to my room he told me to open my eyes, so I did. He then sat me on my bed softly, with him on me. Oh, I love this Prince.

He crush he lips into mine, giving me a passionate kiss and trail tiny specks of kisses down my neck, which makes me moan a bit. I wrapped my arms around his neck, grabbing a fist full of hair and pulling on it making him growl. Oh, so sexy.

After a bit, I pulled away. There was no need to catch our breath, it was kinda nice. But I remember, questions.

"Vlad, remember... Questions?" I said. He sigh and looked​ at me with lust.


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