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Missy skated over to Twelve alone.

"Hello Doctor!" She said.

"What do you want, Missy?" He asked.

"Well... The other three wanted you to be the one racing me."

"No. Never."

"Why not?" Missy asked.

"Why would I?"

She smiled. "Well, I really didn't want to have to do this, but, if you don't race me, there might be consequences."

"Like what?"

"Well, the others seem to like me. What if I just join you for the rest of the trip. You've still got about 18 more hours till California! It would be fun!"

"You wouldn't!"

"Try me."

Twelve sighed. "Fine. But then you leave us alone."

"Deal! I'll go tell the others."

----------ten minutes later----------

"Rules!" Ten announced. "You will each try to complete three laps around the rink in the fastest amount of time."

"That's it?" Missy asked.

"Yup!" Eleven answered from the ground. "Try not to hurt each other to much."

"3... 2... 1, GO!" Ten shouted, and they where off.

Missy was in the lead, but not by much. Twelve pulled a rubber ball out of his pocket and through it at Missy, causing her to slow down. Twelve was now in the lead.
Missy, still holding her umbrella, through it at the Doctor like a spear. It hits him in the head and he's down!
Missy, now in the lead and completes her first lap, Twelve right behind her.
It goes on like this for the next lap.
Finally, the last lap. There neck and neck, when suddenly, Four Sontaran's marched into the ice rink place, and shouted, "We are taking over this planet. Surrender, or be obliterated!"

So the race was canceled and the Doctors had to save the world. Missy disappeared and no one knew where she had gone. The race never had a winner so the world will never know who was faster.

All In The Same Car (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now