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Nine drove the car into the parking lot of a restaurant they planed to meet Clara at. The four of them walked in, spotted Clara at a table, and went to sit with her.

"You made it!" Clara said, excitedly.

"Not all of us." Eleven said.

"What do you mean?" Nine asked.

"Arlo." Eleven answered, sadly.

"Your still on about that?" Ten asked.

Eleven nodded.

"Ok then! Clara, did you see that girl again?" Twelve asked.

"No." She answered.

"What girl?" Ten asked.

"Doesn't matter." Twelve answered.

"Anyway..." Clara said. "Tell me about the trip!"

So they told her about the whole thing. It took a while, but they managed it all before the bill came.

After they all said goodbye to Clara, Ten, Eleven, and Nine went out to the car. They would drive to Tens TARDIS which they had left in Florida, fly it to Twelves which was in California. Then he would take them back to their own lives.

Just before Twelve was about to walk out the door, Clara stopped him.

"Doctor wait!" She said.


"The woman I told you about early, she's over there!" Clara pointed to a small table in the corner of the restaurant.

Sure enough, a woman sat at a table in the corner, staring right back at them. She had a smile on her face as if remembering something pleasant.

"Come on Clara." Twelve said.

"Do you know her?" She asked.

"No. Well, at least not yet. We should go though. now."

So they both walked out of the restaurant and to the cars. Clara got in hers and the Time lords in theirs.


Twelve erased the younger threes memories and put them back where he'd found them. Secretly, he'd miss their adventures they'd had together (though he would never admit it to anyone).

The point was, Twelve had done it, and it was time to go home.

(Down below is a picture of the woman in the restaurant.)


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