The lonely night

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Hey, guys guess who's back!! Thank you all for continue reading my book even when I haven't been updating, I know it was a long wait, but I'm back! Updates still will be slow but I will try my very best to post whenever I have free time, also go check out my book "The hunt"! It's a recent book I'm working on! Anyways enough of me talking, TIME TO UPDATE!!!!

*Hiccups POV*

Sitting in a cold corner in my cave...yes I'm back at my cave, it's where I feel safe...away from everything. Heck! I don't even think my dad wants me around! Oh, I'm Stoick look at me, I'm all mighty. How did a get a son like Hiccup?

I lean my head back against the wall and look over towards toothless. "Hey, bud..." I said slowly running my hand over the scales on his back. Toothless pops his head up and looks at me then lays his head back down trying to go back to sleep.

"Oh, I'm sorry master" I give him a slight bow for interrupting his sleep, I actually smile a little.  Toothless just makes a noise telling me to shut up which makes me chuckle a little more. I look towards the opening of the cave and see it's starting to get dark out so I scramble to my feet walking out and sitting on the edge of the cliff.

"HICCUP!!!!" I jumped as I heard someone scream my name. "what the?!" I quickly stand up and turn to see Gobber behind me, I looked towards his hands and see a Viking helmet and looks back up at him extremely confused. "why do you have my dads helmet Gobber...."

"hiccup....I'm so sorry....I'm sorry....but your dad....he was killed..." Gobber began to tell me but I couldn't breathe. I take a step back trying to regain my focus but all that was running through my head was that my dad was gone.  I stumbled towards Gobber and grabbed the helmet from him and start shaking my head. "very funny Gobber, very very funny. Is he with you right now? trying to get back at me for running away?"

"No Hiccup.," Gobber said looking down.

My heart felt like it was running thousands of miles per hour. All I could do was hold my head and scream as loud as I can tears running down my cheeks. I looked up to the sky. Dad...I'm so sorry...

I looked at Gobber and he gestured me to follow him. I get on toothless and follow Gober back as I see the destruction, I look around shocked that this is happening. "where's Astrid?" I asked but Gobber doesn't answer. I just continued to follow him but he stops getting closer to the dungeon and I became confused. "why did you stop?"

"she's in the dungeon, you and toothless need to hide while going in there. You know what I'm talking about." Gobber told me. I nodded as toothless flew up to the clouds where we can't be seen. "Don't worry Astrid...I'm coming"

Once we got into the dungeon, I hop off of toothless' back and walked down the hall whispering. "Astrid?"

"Hiccup?" I can hear someone reply at the end of the hall, I ran to where I heard the voice and I see Astrid. "Hiccup! Stoick-"

"I know...Gobber told me" I said as I started picking the lock on the cell door. "got it" the door flung open and Astrid wrapped her arms around me. I hesitated at first then I slowly wrapped my arms around her small waist pulling her close to me. "He's going to pay..."

"I know Hiccup...come on let's meet up with the others and finally bring this guy down," Astrid told me while pulling away slightly looking at me, with her arms still around my shoulders.

I nod then we both got on toothless back and he flew out there going to find the others in our secret spot.

As we get to the spot, I see a boat with a body in it and my heart stops. I felt a hand on my arm and looked back at Astrid and smiled sadly.

I quickly hopped off of toothless' back when we landed and walked up to the boat and see my dads body under a white sheet. Tears start streaming down my face again as I take a step back looking at everyone. I see the bow and arrows and a fire. I grabbed Astrid's hand and walked over to the archery sets grabbing one as the others pushed the boat into the water.

"You can do this Hiccup.," Astrid said trying to comfort me. I nod and looked out to the boat while everyone gathered behind me. I put the arrow in the fire then I raised my bow, drew back the arrow, and fired. I watched the arrow as it landed in the boat catching it on fire, soon after I see everyone else's arrows fly over my head landing in the boat. "Dad, I know I wasn't the greatest son...I wasn't the toughest you wanted me to be. I couldn't kill dragons and I let you down...I let you down, even more, when I wasn't there for you. I promise you I will make you proud and not a failure. How I wish I can talk to you one more time...I...I love you, dad.."

I wiped the tears from my face and I turned looking at everyone. "Time to bring this guy down, once and for all"


Hey guys!! how did you like the update? :)

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