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And as time flies, they become more and more distant. Since that day when he fired her that they haven't seen eachother. It has been almost six months. Walter misses her. Paige misses him. Neither of them can or will admit it, but they do. Not even one of the genius took a peek of Paige after that fight. It's like she just disappeared from the face of the earth. She didn't go to Happy and Toby's wedding because she "didn't want to cause any problems" but everybody knew that the truth was that she was angry at Walter and didn't want to see or talk to him. He began to wonder "Did I really screw up this time?" and the answer was: Yes, he did. In his head he was ready, ready to deal with human emotions, he had improved enough that "her services were no longer required at Scorpion". But was that the real reason why he fired her? On Toby's professional opinion, he had fired her because he was scared. Scared of only one thing, and that was love. He was scared of loving her, of the possibility of that love risk or jeopardize his important Scorpion. Was she worth the risk? Of course she was. So why didn't he tell her that after firing her? Why didn't he just told her the whole truth? Maybe she would have understood and forgave him, but that didn't happen. He texted, called and even went to her house after that night, but she didn't even bother opening the door for him. He was heartbroken, once again, and once again because of the same girl.
What he didn't know was that Paige was heartbroken too, she was so angry at him but still couldn't stop worrying about him. After that fight she just isolated herself at home, didn't get out for anything except if Ralph needed her. Ralph had been living with his babysitter in the first month because Paige was in no shape of taking care of him. The truth is, Paige was in no shape of doing anything beside thinking about that night, that fight. That got worst when he texted, when he called and when he unexpectedely showed up at her door. She almost open the door, because deep down she just wanted to see him, hug him or ever more, but she was too hurt. So time flew and they didn't saw eachother in that half-year and all because of a stupid fight, of a stupid lie. During all that time they didn't stop thinking about eachother, thinking about their first kiss, about their conversations, about everything. They loved eachother. So, why didn't they just admited that to one another?

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