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Walter's POV

I can't believe that happened. I always knew that she didn't feel the same way as cenas I do but deep down I think that there was still a little bit of hope. It hurts so much, even more than the first time. I don't know what to do now, I'm lost, I'm completely and fully lost. I'll just keep going, keep driving, through the road, until something or someone stops me.

Storyteller's POV

And then it happens. Walter sees something or maybe someone at the side of the road. It's a car crash. He jumps out of his car and goes to meet that person. It's a women and she looks familiar to him. As he reaches her, he looks even more worried and she looks so sad and she's crying a lot. It's so dark and because of that he doesn't recognaize who she is until...
-Please Sir, help me, I was driving home and something got in the way, my car crash into that tree and my 10 year old son is in there, please help.
-Walter???? Please help, Ralph is in there and the car is almost falling into that ravine.
He runs to help the little boy, who he treats like a son.
-Ralph, Ralph are you okay?
-Walter?? I am okay but I can't get out, I'm stuck, my leg is stuck.
-Okay I'm coming in, be careful please.

As Walter gots in the car, Paige's heart starts to beat even faster than it already was. Somehow he is able to release Ralph's leg.

-Okay Ralph, you're free, go, run as fast as you can and reach your mum please.
-And you Walter? Won't you come with me??
-I'm right behind you pal!

Ralph gets out of the car and as he gots out, he affects the balance of the car, and the car just starts to swing.

-Walter, please be careful, just jump as fast as you can, please.
-Ralph if this falls down please tell your mother that I lo...

And then it fell!

-Ralph, I'm so glad you're okay. Where is Walter?
-What Ralph? What happened?
-The car fell mom!!
-What do you mean by the car fell? Where is he, Ralph?

Paige started running to the place where the car used to be and she just starts to cry desperately when she sees that there is no car anymore.

About 10 minutes later the ambulance arrives and after half an hour of search, they can't find Walter. They start to look for his body because a fall like that it's almost impossible to survive. I'm so hurt. I feel so bad and so stupid. The last conversation I had with Walter was a fight, I said terrible things to him and now if he dies he will die thinking that I hate him. If something happens to him I would regret it for the rest of my life. I really hope he is okay, I would never forgive myself if he isn't.

5 minutes later Toby, Happy, Sylvester and Cabe arrive. They do some calculations on the probable place where Walter would fall and with that they start to go down in the ravine. I went with them.

When we reach the place, at first we can't see anybody but then I hear some noise and start to follow the sound of it.

-Hey guys, I think I heard something, I'm going this way.
-I'll go with you Paige. Sly, Toby and Happy go the other way so we can cover more ground. -Cabe said.

And so we did. I followed the sound until I couldn't anymore, and there he was. There was Walter.

-Cabe he is here, help me get him out please!!

He was so cold, so pale, but I could still hear a sound coming from his mouth.

-Hey Walter please hang on, keep your eyes open, focus on me!
-That's what I've been always doing since the day we met, focus on you, Paige.

He said that with so much hurt in his almost closed eyes, so quietly that I was the only one who heard it.

-Paige, I'm pro-probably gonna die so if-if happens, I just wan-wanted you to know that-that you're my biggest lo-love.

And with that his eyes closed.

What if it was not just a dream? (Waige Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now