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Six months have passed. Walter says that he forgot about Paige and doesn't feel anything for her, but everybody knows that that is not the real truth.
It's just a normal day at Scorpion, everybody is at the garage when Cabe suddently walks in.
-We've got a case! It's a tough one.
-Just like any other. - Toby comments.
-This one is differente. -adds Cabe.
-Why? - Walter asks.
-You'll see.
They got in the car and they reach the location, it's an empty and creepy warehouse, and they still don't know the details of the case. Suddently, someone walks out of the warehouse and it's Richard Elia, Paige's boss.
-Hey there Scorpion, long time no see. I'm afraid I need your help again.
-Of course, always happy to help a friend in need. -Walter says.
And then another person comes out of the warehouse, and that person Walter wasn't really expecting to see.
-PAIGE!! -he shouts. -What are you doing here?
-Working. - she says, obviously still angry at him.
-Hey Richard, we had an agreement. She would be working for you but you would have to keep her out of the field, for her own safety. Why is she here? -Walter says quietly so only Richard can hear it.
-You know her, do you really think she would just sit behind a desk all day long?
The day passed by normally, Paige hugged and talked to all of the genius just like nothing had happened, all of them besides Walter. He knew that when the case was closed, Paige was going away again and he hadn't done anything to stop her, so he made a decision, he went to talk to her at her house after the case was finished.

Walter's POV

I reached her house and I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach. I don't know what this is but it only happens when I'm around her. I knock on the door and I hear footsteps coming towards me. She opens the door and she was so surprised as me when I saw her get out of that warehouse.

-What are you doing here?
-I just want to talk to you please don't close the...
The door just closed right in front of my nose.
-Paige please, let me just say a few words, it won't take too long, I promise.
-No Walter, go away please.
-I won't, not until you let me in, I want to explain myself.
-I don't want to hear it, just go away and never come back!!
-Please Paige!
-Is that what you really want?
-Yes it is!
-I came here to tell you that I fired you because I'm in love with you.
Walter said those words so quietly and so naturaly that even him was surprised with that. He went away, thinking that he would never see her again and she hadn't heard any of those last words, but the truth was, she did.

Paige's POV

What the hell just happen? Was I dreaming? Did he really say those words? I'm probably imagining things, that's the only possibly answer for what just happened. Without even noticing, I pick my car keys and start driving to the garage, where is the only place that he can be.
As I reached the garage, I can't see him right away. He's probably upstairs, at his bedroom. I start climbing the stairs as I begin to think what I am about to say, what am I about to do.
By the time I arrive his bedroom, I can see him sitting on his bed, with his hands on his face and it looks like he has been crying, a lot.
-Walter, what the hell is happening?
-Pai-Paige! What are you doing here?? -he starts to clean his face and trying to hide the tears.
-What happened?
-Oh it's nothing, it's okay, I'm okay.
-Okay? You don't seem okay to me.
-Why do you care anyway?
-Yeah, you're right, I don't.
With his words he felt his heart broke into a million pieces, but he didn't cry, he had to look strong.
-You really don't hum? Okay so what are you doing here?
-I'm here to tell you that I heard what you said later at my door.
-What did I say? I don't remember it.
-Oh yeah you do! You can't just throw out words like that!
-I didn't throw out anything, I was just trying to tell you how I feel!
-How you feel? You're not in love with me, you can't be, you don't even believe in love, you don't know how it works and you don't know what it is! Now just disappear from my life, you have done nothing but hurt me!!
-Is that what you really want right? You mean all of that?
By this time I was shouting at him, he was shouting at me. I can't blame him, I just said this horrific things to him and I don't mean not even one of them, but I'm just too angry. He was still waiting for me to answer him, but I couldn't.

-Oh now you are not gonna say anything? Okay then, if that's want you want, bye Paige, I really hope you have a great life, please don't show up here again.

Storyteller's POV

With that he ran downstairs, got into his car and just drove away, as fast as he could, away frome Paige, away from his feeling towards her.

She just stayed there, like a statue, not knowing what to do now that he had really lost him. She decides to go pick up Ralph. Little did she know what was about to happen.

What if it was not just a dream? (Waige Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now