Wedding or making up?

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The cerimony was about to start, everyone was ready, Toby was next do the priest and next to Toby was Walter. At the other side was supposed to be Paige, but it seems she really decided not to come. When the music starts, someone appears.

Walter's POV

-I'm so sorry for the delay, please continue.

There she was! There was Paige, she came, and she brought Ralph. He suddently comes to me, gives me a big hug and stands next to me. I look up at Paige and she seems happy. I'm glad she's happy, that's all that I ever wanted.

The music starts again and then Happy appears with Cabe by her side. She reaches Toby and they start enchanging their vows, it was so beautiful, I almost cried. I never imagined myself as a person that cries in weddings, but here I am, almost crying.

When the cerimony ends, we all go congralute Happy and Toby and then they go dancing. I stand there, alone, while Sylvester, Cabe and Ralph are talking about some old case we had. I can't seem to find Paige, but I won't look for her, I don't want to be a pain the ass.

Paige's POV

I'm standing here, at some corner hoping nobody can see me, trying to earn some courage to go and talk to Walter. Finally I found some courage inside me and I go meet him. He seems sad, he's alone, drinking some juice at the bar.

-Hey, you! - I say.
-Hey Paige, how are you?
-I'm fine Walter, and you? How are you? You seem sad!
-Oh no, I'm fine!
-Really? Then why are you here, all alone, away from the party?
-I'm always alone, I've already got used to it.
-You're not alone. You have Cabe, Toby, Sylvester.
-You know that that is not what I was talking about, Paige.

My heart broke. I don't know what to say. He feels alone because of me. I feel terrible. I have to say something.

-You also have me, Walter.
-You are just throwing those words around like you did at the rockett. You don't mean that, so please don't say it, it'll just give me false hopes.
-I meant it!
-What? What did you mean?

I wasn't able to answer fast enough, because when I realized he was going away, walking away, from me, again.

-Walter, where are you going?
-Away, I need to stay away from you, you confused me in ways that I never tough it was possible.

I step closer to him, fixing at nothing but his eyes.

-I meant it, you're not alone, you have me.
-That's not enough, Paige.
-What do you want me to say, Walter? All this time that I've been talking to you I've been trying to say that I love you. Words just don't come out. I'm too nervous.

Only when I was finished I realized that I had said it. I saw him opening his mouth to say something but he just closed it again.

-I'm so sorry that it took so long. I know I hurted you with all the Tim thing, but I didn't know what to do. I never though, not even for a second, that you would say those words to me back at the rockett. I was caugh of guard, and I just acted, and then you returned and I wanted to tell you the truth but Toby told me that I would only confuse you so I didn't. I'm so sorry!! But I do love you. And I want to be with you, it's a risk that I'm willing to take.

He looked so confused. I can tell by the look in his eyes that he's trying to find a solution, something that he should do after what I just said, but he just can't find any.

-I-I don't know what to do with that information.
-I have an idea.

Walter's POV

She reaches for my hand and takes me to the back storage closet of Kovelskys. When we get there, she kisses me. I wasn't waiting for that, but I liked it. I kissed her back. And then Toby and Happy open the door, and I feel so embarassed. They look shocked.

-Guess Paige is back on the team! -Toby says, joking about everything.
-Close the door!! -Paige shouts.
And then Sylvester shows up, followed by Cabe.
-Well it's about dam time!! - Cabe says, looking happy for them.
-Anyone else wanna come by? How about Ray?
And then he shows up.
Cabe came to say that there's a case, somewhere in Tahiti, which means free honeymoon for Happy and Toby. When everybody leaves, Paige starts kissing me again, and then she closes the storage door.
When we reach the plain, there's some problem with the co-pilot so Happy volunteers herself to help drive the plane. After a few hours, the plane starts to shake and they tell us that we are gonna crash. Paige holds my hand and when we are about to crash, I wake up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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