Dream or reality?

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It has been 3 weeks since the accident. Walter has been at the hospital ever since. He almost died but somehow the doctors could "save" him. He is in a deep coma, and the chances of him to awake are very few. Paige has been with him every day of every week, she talks to him and just keeps him company. That makes her feel close to him.
Walter's POV

I woke up in my bedroom, at the garage. I go downstairs and there's nobady there but Toby.
-Good morning Toby, where's everybody? Where's Paige?
-Paige? Are you drunk or what? You fired Paige last night!
-Oh yeah, you're right, I almost forgot about that.
-You almost forgot about that? What the hell is going on in that head of yours? You are doing it all again, you are pushing your love away because you are scared of what you feel.
-That is not the reason why I fired her.
-So which is?
-I-I-I don't know man.
-Then you should probably go talk to her and explain everything because tomorrow is my wedding's day and I want everything to be perfect.
Later that night they told me Paige decided not to come to the wedding because she didn't want to cause any problems, but I knew it was because of me. So, I went to her house to talk to her, I didn't want Happy angry at me. I though that she wouldn't open the door but, unexpectadly, she did.

-Hey, what can I help you wi... YOU??? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE???
-Hey Paige, please don't freak out, I just want to talk.
-I don't wanna hear it, there's no excuse, go away.
-I'll say what I have to say if you wanna hear it or if you don't.

Then the door closed right in front of my face.

-That won't stop me, Paige.

I didn't even deserved an answer, all I could hear was silence. But, in that silence I could also hear Paige's breath, and by that I could tell that she was sitting on the floor, with her back against the door.

-I know you are still there Paige, I can hear your breath.

No answer.

-Okay if you ain't say anything, I will. I want to make myself clear and I think you deserve to know the real reason why I fired you. I fired you because I'm in love with you. -I said that with so much emotion, emotion that I didn't even know I had.
-I've been in love with since shortly after we met, and I've spent years trying to process how that should be handled. Perhaps it's something that is not suposed to be handled, maybe it's something that just is.

I took a break in my words because somehow I could imagine how Paige would be. In my head she was crying and that though made me want to cry too.

-And I know you don't feel the same, as I do, and that's okay, I just wanted you to know.

With that I got up at my feet, and I was about to go away when I turned back and said to her:

-I'm so sorry! I was wrong and I was scared of my feelings towards you and I just didn't know what else to do. Now I know that I did everything possible to make it up to you, maybe it's just not meant to be. I'll try my best to forget you and move on, but please don't miss Happy and Toby's wedding, it's not their fault. I'm sorry if I hurt you, that was never what I wanted, completely the opposite Paige, I just want you to be happy, bye Paige, I love you.

What if it was not just a dream? (Waige Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now