im sick & you left

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She was frozen.

How could he still have the same affect on her?

A year later, and he somehow still managed to melt her heart with the same stupid smirk.

"Don't call me that." She shoved past him, walking to the counter.

He unintentionally followed her, which made her even more angry.

She practically slammed the medicine on the counter and huffed, knowing he was behind her.

"Can you not fucking follow me?"

Duncan smirked again, holding a box of medicine cream up.

"Just getting stuff like you are, relax."

She rolled her eyes and turned to Justin, who was bagging her things.

"Nice to see you two still haven't made up."

Nice to see modeling didn't work out.

Courtney grabbed the bag and began to walk out, until Duncan had something smart to say.

"Be careful with farm boy, he's probably the reason you're sick."

Courtney turned around and shot him a glare, "Be careful with goth girl. She might be the reason you have crabs."

She walked out and got into her car, immediately beginning to sob.

Just as she cried, rain began to fall out of the sky.

She hated herself, she didn't know why she found it so hard to move on.

It's not like their relationship was perfect.

It's not like they weren't always arguing.

It's not like he ever loved her.

She titled her head back, trying to make it to where she could breathe again.

If her nose wasn't already stuffed before, it was now.

Her hair stuck to her face as tears strolled down her cheeks.

Her eyes became swollen and her throat tightened.

Stop being a little bitch.

Get over yourself.

She put the key in the ignition and drove home, still letting the tears fall out of her eyes.

"You have a fever."

Courtney continued to shiver as Scott was standing over her reading the thermometer.

"Just stay in bed today, i'll be back at work." He started to walk out.

"You're not staying here with me?"

Scott sighed, "I can't. They need me at the farm today, we got a new stock of chickens today and they need taken care of."

Courtney sniffled, "But I feel like i'm dying."

Scott rolled his eyes, "Its just a fever. You'll be fine. I'll check up on you every hour, love you."

He walked out, leaving Courtney to herself.

Duncan wouldn't leave you.

He'd stay, and make sure you were okay.

Why did you have to ruin everything.

She leaned over and puked in the trash can Scott placed beside her.

As she finished, the front door opened.

Courtney closed her eyes as she felt a hand come over her, feeling her forehead.


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