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Have tomorrow morning's update now because eh


On their way to school, Louis held out her hands, disgust written all over her face. "Woah, woah, woah. You mean to tell me you want another tattoo?"

Mark shrugged, "Yeah. Just a small one though. It wouldn't cost as much as my arm did. Or my waist."

She shook her head in disappointment. "Where you wanting it at?" Mark held out his right hand, wrist up in a fist. "Right here," he traced around on his wrist with an index finger. "I'm wanting Jack's name in some fancy italicized cursive. Then a little green heart or something. Because he's green for Irish and a heart because I love him."

Paige barked with laughter behind them, "Ha! That's sappy. It's kind of cute.....You're pathetic."

Mark looked at her with a smug grin, "Yup. Pathetically amazing. If I was annoying, my baby would've left me already."

Both Paige and Louis rolled their eyes simultaneously, Louis groaning and Paige scoffing.

Mark didn't acknowledge Paige muttering to him, "Has anyone seen Alex? Fucker's missing again..."

Mark didn't even know an Alex. Louis did but she just shrugged.

"Yeah... Maybe I want another piercing too."

"Dammit, Mark!" Louis groaned, gagging. "You're going fucking gothic!"

Mark smirked, laughing at her disbelief. "A tongue ring maybe."

"Uh... You know those are usually used for sexual reasons, right?"

"Exactly." Mark crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow suggestively whilst dirtily smirking. "I'm sure Jack wouldn't mind. I bet he'd love it. Says I've already got a good workin' mouth. Imagine a lip ring and a tongue ring!"

"Why did I need to know that. Why did you need to confirm yourself. Why the fuck are you so gay."

Again, Paige bluntly laughed behind them. They both glanced at her in confusion. "It's hilarious how you both are anything but straight, yet make fun of each other over it like homophobes. You people are strange creatures, aye."

Louis shrugged. "I'm a lesbian through and through, but at least I don't tell my friends about how much ass I eat."

Mark stuck out his tongue. "At least I can get ass."

Louis hissed, "At least I don't choke on microscopic dicks!"

Mark scrunched up his nose, "I'll have you know, nine inches shoved down my throat never bothered me? At least I won't drown during sex."

"That doesn't even make sense!"

"Good, maybe it wasn't supposed to!"

Paige spotted Paisley waiting for them by a street lamp, therefore scowling and pushing past the two. "Lesbi-onest here. You've gay-ve me a headache...You're both sluts, Mark a bitch for his boyfriend and Louis... She's on and off with Emilee. Face the facts and leave each other alone."

Mark blinked, taking in her agitated words. "Fair point." He looked at Louis, "I'm a pretty big bitch."

Louis groaned. "I am not on and off with Emilee, you douche!"

Mark snickered as she ran off to catch the other girl, silently and mentally marking himself a check on his "Louis-Mark" scoreboard because she was finished arguing and losing with him. So far, Mark was still the gayer of the entire group. Maybe even the school.

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