Chapter One: Go Home, Max

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The campers said their goodbyes to their new, odd friends that despise all the rudeness and semi hateful things they put each other through, would dearly miss. No one thought their summer would be as wild as it was but none of them would change a thing. (Maybe never seeing the quartmaster committing incest would've been nice though). But all in all, having to leave a place that almost felt like home was depressing and when they all drove away it was saddening to say the least. Everyone hoped the camp would still be standing for next summer so they could all come back and enjoy going on more crazy and wacky adventures together, that is, if their parents ever allowed them.

Maybe David would be able to get ahold of owning the place and turn it around, leaving the crazy fun but taking away Mr. Campbell's cheapness and unnecessary added danger. A little danger was fine but a little less would be good too. Just maybe, if they were lucky it would happen.

"Sorry, Max," Nikki was saying to the dark haired boy rubbing her arm out of sadness and nerve. "Our parents said we can't wait any longer for your parents to show. We need leave." The trio had made a promise to leave at the same time so no one would be left behind alone, so none of them felt abandon, it was more for Max's sake than the other two really.

"Yeah, we would stay if we could but it's getting late," Neil added feeling just as bad about leaving his new closet friend on his own. Knowing it could be even longer for his parents to come get him. "I would ask if you can ride with us instead but I don't think you want see our parents be... weird." Neil scratched the back of his head unsure how to put into words his dad and Nikki's mom trying to talk sexy without it be obvious to them, although it was still obvious. The boys knew Candy and Carl would not last long enough to reach even next summer but Nikki had been ecstatic about Neil being her honorary big brother.

Deep down it bugged Max that Nikki and Neil would get be brother and sister, probably not for long, but long enough for Max to feel a small pit of jealousy raise up in him. He shrugged his shoulders and let out a short sigh, "it's whatever."

"My folks will probably show in like an hour. I get it," Max was trying not sound bitter, "go ahead leave and have fun dealing with that shit show." He slipped his right hand out of his hoodie pocket to point at Nikki and Neil's parents being touchy and kissy.

Gross, they all thought.

"Are you sure, Max?" Nikki asked, petting her own hair. She was worried about him. What if his parents never come and he gets raised by wolves instead of her? The green haired girl thought foolishly. He nodded again and flashed them one of his rare genuine smiles. "See you next summer," he tried make his voice sound even and to the tune of his usual grumpy tone.

"See you next summer," Neil agreed as Nikki jumped at them both, giving them a bear hug and than roughly ruffed their hair. "We'll miss you Max!" She added jumping back. "Come visit us!" Nikki cheered, Neil excitedly nodded along. Max agreed he would try and waved them off as they ran to their car, Neil telling his dad to put the sock puppet away already. "Put the goddamn sock puppet away, Dad! Its embarrassing and- oh god! I'm getting Parent Day flash backs!" Neil cried out while Nikki laughed pushing him into his dad's car.

They drove away. They were gone. Out of sight but not out of mind as it was getting dark and cold and Max was now alone.

What now, Max boy?

He stood in front of the camp almost out of view of where Gwen and David were finishing the last of the cleaning. They had said their goodbyes too and thought to do some last minute clean up before leaving after everyone was gone. Also because David was crying and him and Gwen agreed nobody had to see that. "I'm just going them so much, Gwen!" He would sob putting more junk left over from the End of Summer Party into a big, black trash bag.

"I know, I know, David. I'll..." she wanted say she'll miss them too but she almost wouldn't. Almost. "I'll miss the little shits, just a bit." Gwen admitted more to herself than David.

That's when they noticed a very annoyed and upset Max making his way towards them. Although, when didn't Max look angry like that?

"H-heya, kiddo!" David said, whipping away the last of his tears with his really campy, upbeat tone. "Wanted to say bye?" He added a bit confused why he hadn't leave yet. The young boy stayed silent for a moment too long, head down refusing to look up.

"Max..." Gwen started narrowing her eyes in distrust at him for a moment before realizing Max was starting to tear up. The young boy tried hid the fact quickly. "Max..." She said again sadly. She leaned down to him and he immediately hugged her tightly before pushing back even quicker. "Didn't happen" he would mutter just as fast and added. "They still aren't here..." he said angry and annoyed. Rightfully bitter and upset.

David looked at them with a saddened look and softly said, "don't worry, Max. We'll help you out." He knew that when a camper's parents didn't pick them up after six on the last day they would need go to the police and file a report, protocol stuff. It was already getting close to eight and immediately felt worse when he saw Max trying hide his bitter and sad expression. "I'll just walk, I guess." He said, acting as if he wasn't a little more valuable than usual.

"Absolutely not!" David jumped with a mix of a happy-go-lucky tone and a polite authoritative voice. "We are going handle this!" Gwen stood up and nodded in agreement. Max rolled his eyes and weakly tried to argue against them but begrudgingly agreed.

They all hopped into David's car that Gwen would often call the Camper Mobile and headed to the local police department, Max tiredly sulking as he starred out the window. "I knew they would forget to show." He said reminding himself it was dumb of him to really think anything but less of his parents. His voice was almost too quite to hear but not quite enough. David carefully sped up as Gwen bit her lip, both focused on the road ahead of them.

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