Chapter Five: Home Sweet Max

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David pulled up to the parking lot of his and Gwen's apartment and carried Max up the stairs. While Gwen carried their things. Max curled up against David's chest which was warm and comforting to him. The two adults both knew he would deny anything that involved him being cute and cuddly to either of them, let alone David so when they reached they their floor Gwen snapped a quick picture of the two. David hadn't noticed until the flash of the camera went off, he was too busy smiling at a soft and sleepy Max.

"Gwen, you know you shouldn't take pictures without asking" David started but once he saw the picture of them and how cute he thought they looked he immediately changed his mind. "But in this case it's fine and you should really send me that photo!" He was trying not to be too loud or bouncy while holding onto Max.

They opened the door to their new shared apartment which was like you would expect. It was small. Maybe a bit too small for three people. There was only two bedrooms and bathrooms and a kitchen that could only properly fit one person at a time. Although the living room place was nice even if it did only have a tv and pull-out couch at the moment. The view wasn't half bad if you liked looking at busy sidewalks and roads. Yes, it was small. Very small.

But it was home and it had growing character and charm to it. Cozy would be the best way to put it. And the two adults for some reason or another loved it still in spite of its sizing issues.

David with a careful hand shook Max slightly to wake him up. There was a soft sound he made similar to a small puppy waking up and while yawning rubbed his eyes. "David...?" Max said a little dazed from sleeping so long in the car. The drive was over six hours after all and it was quite dark outside by now. Gwen finished putting all their bags into the apartment and closed the door.

Max now realizing where he was and what was happening almost immediately pushed himself away from David's arms so quickly and uncalled for that he fell onto the floor with a loud thump. "Goddamnit, Max" Gwen sighed. "There's people below us."

"Are you okay?" David followed a little worried and he would of been hurt at the aggressive push if he hadn't already been use to Max's behavior.

"What the hell." Max said still on the floor before jumping to his feet he added, "Im not five David I don't need be carried!" He sounded more childish than he wanted and huffed as David tried to ruffle his hair only to get swatted away by Max's little flailing arms. "Okay, Max."

"Ugh. Come on you two and help me out with these bags!" Gwen butted in pulling on some of her backpack filled with trashy books and DVDs of even more trashy shows. They didn't have cable yet, it was too much money, so Gwen took the DVD player from the camp with them and as much trashy shit as she could find. Along with her own books and DVDs the camp had a few more of their own that Gwen happily took with her when leaving. Although, some were a bit older than others.

"Right-o, Gwen!" David said with a cheerful grin and a hop in his step, excited to being living with two of his favorite people. Max on the other hand was a little more wary about it all. He still had doubts that this would be where he was living instead of with his parents. He didn't believe that any of his life would get better, but looking at David and Gwen talk among themselves about sleeping arrangements and how "you can totally eat breakfast at 3 in the morning" he was more hopeful than he would let on.

He stared down Mr. Honeynuts before tossing him on the couch and helping to grab some of the bags. "So..." Max started but hadn't really thought of something to say next. "I don't actually have much clothes in here so I don't need like a place to put my shit, except for maybe a corner or something." He didn't want sound needy so he put his cards on the table: he had almost nothing with him but whatever was in his one backpack. All other bags had been a mix of David and Gwen's things.

They hadn't realized he didn't have much but he wouldn't ask or take anything. That's something he decided just now. Until the week was over and the court stuff was over with he wouldn't ask or accept anything at all but the bare needs. Like he was use too.

"That's- that's okay Max!" David was taken aback slightly unsure how go about it. Gwen picked up another bag and said, "it's actually pretty late how about you go bed and we deal with that stuff later, okay shitlord?"

Max scowled a little but let it slide and let her guide him to one of the smaller of the two rooms. He knew this was meant to be one of their rooms (most likely David's) but he was still kinda sleepy and didn't want to argue that he would be fine on the pull-out couch. Gwen picked him up and placed him on the bed, Max giving little to none of a fight against it and once his head hit the pillow he was back to sleeping. Gwen who without notice had his bear in her hands and placed it next him.

Walking out of the room and slowly closing the door Gwen sighed looking down at the floor. "I don't understand how you can just so easily cuss like that and just call him names," David said while taking the last the bags and putting into the unused room.

"It's just how our bond is, I guess." She shrugged following him to the room. He turned on the lights and after placing the bags in the closet to be dealt with tomorrow sat one the bed, patting the spot next to him for Gwen to join him. She sat down next him and placed her arms around him, leaning close. "You two sure get along better than him and I do. I feel like I'm doing something wrong or he truly doesn't like me," David's voice was more deep and steady as he racked his brains for answers with a long sad look on his face. He was disappointed in himself and Gwen could tell.

"He's a kid and he's been hurt a lot in the past. I think he's just afraid to get attached to someone who actually shows 100% positive attention and affection to him only to be let down again. He built a wall and he's too scared to let it down and get hurt all over again by someone he's trusts to have the best interests for him. Just give it some time David and he'll warm up to you more openly," Gwen was talking out of what she could observe and already knew. She knew Max didn't really hate them and she knew that kids who've been hurt badly and often have a hard time adjusting to the thought that oh yeah not everyone is going be a literal shit stain.

At least, she was trying use common knowledge and what she's learned from her camp counseling training about handling kids with parent issues. David felt more at ease because of her. He allowed himself to relax and slouch a bit leaning into Gwen.

"I hope you're right."

Note: school is keeping me from writing more often. this chapter was more of an establishing one than anything and i would like to say thank you for all the votes and comments they do help me get motivated to write more. lastly, i don't personally completely ship david and gwen but if the majority of you peeps do than i'll happily add it as a side plot. thank you again for reading!

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