Chapter Six: Maxed Short

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Waking up around eight in the morning without needing to be anywhere is such a bittersweet feeling. Yet instead of going back to bed Max thought to get food since after all he had only eaten lunch the day before. Walking out of his 'temporary' room Max aimed straight for the bathroom, opening the door he found David, bedhead and all.

David was in the act of taking some of his pills, caught off guard and not wanting Max to see him take that kind of medication quickly hid it behind his back added with a cheerful smile. Doing his best not to draw attention to the pill bottle. Max stared up at him with a confused and almost annoyed look but his ten year old self couldn't help have his curiosity peeked.

Pointing at David Max asked with a blunt tone that was too early to hear. "What's with the pills and hiding them?" And than, as if Max had cracked the code added excitedly. "David, do you secretly take meth or something to keep you happy? That would explain so much, I think." Max actually had no idea the affects meth had on a person, well, vaguely he did have some understanding.

David jumped at the question even more caught off guard than before and he laughed nervously thinking if he should talk to Max about it or not. He had no idea if Max would care or listen but he did know for sure Max would be able to understand. David's biggest worry was Max thinking he could just take the pills himself. Max did not always know better that much was clear.

David slouched and showed Max the bottle, although the label was covered by a paper that just read in a neat print handwriting, happy pills. He was also known to put other things over the prescription such as friendliness pills or joyful bottle. But there was no glee in taking that kind of medicine.

"They're anti-depressants, Max." David's voice was even toned and sad. The room somehow felt darker and the mood shifted to a less light hearted one, the air a bit thicker now. Max was now the one to be taken back. He always kind of knew it, there was no way someone could be that cheerful and be completely mentally sound. But deep down, Max wish it could be true, that someone honestly saw the world to be bright and good. That was apart of him he would never tell anyone about and to some degree not even himself. He would deny it to no end.

"Oh." Was all Max could say and tried to think of something to add so it wouldn't feel any more awkward and to clear the air. But he said nothing. He couldn't. All he could do was think.

Think how he knew he didn't hate David. He almost couldn't. He was a bit annoying, sure, but everyone was. He thought he could handle David because he looked up to him. David knew everything was shit but he could look pass that. Max wish he could.

And even though he didn't fully understand it but realizing David took pills to help him out through the day, which Gwen did too, reminded him how human they are. He didn't plan to say it but as his mind kept thinking about the tone in his voice and the look on his face, Max wanted make things a little easier for them. Sometimes. Other times they need to remember Max was still a little shit that still hates most thing. But he wouldn't say it out loud.

But things were still uncomfortable from saying nothing and if by luck, or just good timing, Gwen came out of her room with a bathrobe as she yawed walking towards the two boys; she slouched scratching her back.

"Sup, nerds," she said tiredly. Max tried ignore anything he wanted to ask or say in general about David and his pills but instead went to put all thought on breakfast and watching tv with Gwen.

Max started to whine both adults names for attention in the most child-like of ways. "Gweeen! Daaaivd!" It was his only way of dotting the air between him and David. "What, you little shit?" Gwen said making her tired way over to the bathroom.

"I'm hungry. Do you guys actually have anything eat or did the food stamps run out?" Gwen had hit him upside the head for that one. Not too hard, of course. But he got the message.

"Oh, yeah!" David pipped up. "I was just about make a big family breakfast for all of us!" He got that hop in his step again and made his cheerful way to the kitchen. "Want help Max?"

Max who was feeling a little more comfortable and a little more willing with David shrugged his shoulders. "Sure. Why not." He thought this could be one of those times where he made things easier on David. He marched with David to the kitchen and Gwen smiled looking at her two idiots.

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